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In this article, I explore the possible application of language documentation as a medium, or a “site,” that can intermediate two contrasting principles or beings, such as researchers and language consultants, or language ideologies and... more
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      Language revitalizationLanguage DocumentationMopan Maya
ABSTRACT OF MONOGRAPH Relatively Speaking: The Acquisition of Social Identity among the Mopan Maya 2001, Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics. Eve Danziger Department of Anthropology University of Virginia... more
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      Linguistic RelativityCognitive LinguisticsThe MayaMopan Maya
This dissertation explores the nature, purpose, function and role of language documentation in order to further our understanding of mechanisms of language transmission and maintenance in the face of language endangerment and the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEthnohistoryEthnolinguisticsLanguage revitalization
A somewhat outdated summary of the politics of ethnicity in Belize in 1989. This research and publication was sponsored by Cultural Survival.
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      AnthropologyMulticulturalismIndigenous PeoplesEthnicity
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      Traditional and subsistence agricultureEmbodimentTraditional Ecological KnowledgePhenomenology of the body
Rethinking the importance of sound and emotion is a crucial locus for thinking through cultural voices and silences carried in narratives. Inspired by Silverstein (1998b) and Kroskrity's (2009) notion of " sites, " I have reconsidered the... more
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      Language and EmotionMopan MayaQ'eqchi' and Mopan MayaSound Symbolism
Traducción del español al árabe de "La peor parte", un cuento de Rodrigo Rey Rosa

ترجمة قصة "أسوأ ا في الأمر" لرودريغو ري روسا عن الإسبانية
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      Translation StudiesExileLatin American literatureExile Literature
Religion has a major impact on human-environmental relationships as evidenced by cultural responses to agricultural disease. In Belize, Protestant conversion has transformed traditional Mopan Maya environment relations and paved the way... more
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      Environmental StudiesOrganic agricultureAgricultural DevelopmentProtestantism
A somewhat outdated summary of the politics of ethnicity in Belize in 1989. This research and publication was sponsored by Cultural Survival.
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      AnthropologyMulticulturalismIndigenous PeoplesEthnicity
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      Mopan MayaFonética Y Fonología