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      Nationalism And State BuildingInterwar Period HistoryInterwar Crisis (20th Century)Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe
The exhibition on "Science and Ethnicity: Anthropological Research in Romania during the 1930s" will run in Bucharest between 25 March and 1 July 2018. The exhibition includes Romanian anthropological material alongside samples of the... more
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      AnthropologyRace and RacismNationalismRomanian Studies
Conference Program: "Balkan Express 2017 - The Invisible, the Overlooked, the Forgotten." Prague, December 1-2, 2017 Organized by the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague in cooperation with the Institute of International... more
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      European StudiesAnthropologySocial AnthropologyCzech History
The paper argues that the well-known triadic relationship between kin state, resident state and national minority needs to take into account a fourth dimension: that of European institutions. This is illustrated through a study of... more
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      European identityMinorities in Central and Eastern EuropeKin-states and Kin-communities
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      Romanian HistoryEastern European historyHistory of HungaryEthnic minorities
The text is devoted to the relationships of the Polish army and members of national groups that inhabited western and central Belarus during the Polish-Bolshevik War (1919-1920) [mainly Belarusians, Poles and Jews].
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      Belarusian StudiesMinorities in Central and Eastern EuropeBelarusian HistoryPolish-russian relations
This paper offers an overview of eugenic sub-cultures in East- Central Europe developed between 1900 and 1944. Special attention has been paid to the intricate issue of ethnic survival and minority rights, along with the process of... more
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      History Of EugenicsCentral and Eastern EuropeMinorities in Central and Eastern EuropeHungarian minorities