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"(NB: This book was written under contract with BNP Paribas, which printed 2,500 copies for internal distribution. I was allowed to donate a few copies to academic libraries, where you may find them – until second-hand copies appear for... more
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      MinitelHistory of BanksHistory of Information Technology
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    • Minitel
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      CensorshipInternet LawCensorship (Law)France
Mon projet de recherche porte sur l’étude d’un moment particulier de l’histoire des arts médiatiques et des réseaux, celle de la création artistique sur Minitel en France dans les années 1980. Celle-ci s’est déroulée sur une période assez... more
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      Contemporary ArtTelematic ArtDigital ArtsMinitel
Il Videotel era un sistema telematico per lo scambio di informazioni, gestito dalla SIP (oggi Telecom) negli anni '80. Il sistema veniva consultato per mezzo di un apposito apparecchio che occorreva noleggiare, composto da un video da 9... more
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    • Minitel