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A simple, accurate, and economical method has been proposed to measure formaldehyde in aqueous samples. The method is based on quantification of classical chromotropic acid-formaldehyde violet spots developed on TLC. Different parameters... more
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      DensitometryMicro Analysis
TOYOTA MARKETING STRATEGY Explaining the factors that determine demand and supply of houses in the UK during the above period
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      Marketing StrategyCompetitive advantageMacroeconomic AnalysisToyota Lean Recall
Microanalysis in psychotherapy is the close examination of the moment-by-moment communicative actions of the therapist. This study microanalyzed demonstration sessions by experts on solutionfocused and client-centered therapies,... more
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      PsychologyCommunicationSolution Focused TherapyTreatment
At the infant-toddler center, the rituals of transition that mark children's arrival and going home times offer interesting kaleidoscopes for the study of interactive dynamics with the associated meanings and implicit educational models.... more
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      ObservationMicro Analysis
Pupils with impaired hearing and moderate to severe learning difficulties usually go to special schools for the severely learning disabled. Few studies have been conducted on the interpersonal communication among these pupils. The... more
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      PsychologyInterpersonal CommunicationSocial SciencesMicro Analysis
... Birgitta Fagerstr?m, Lena Lang, Karin Dahlberg, Lena Lundmark, Unn G?rman, Inger Isaksson, Ann-Britt Wallengren, Anita Serneke-Dahlbom, Mariann En?, Elsa Foisack, Sigbritt Paulan-der, Kerstin Westerlund, Lisbeth Andersson, Ingrid... more
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      PsychologyInterpersonal CommunicationSocial SciencesMicro Analysis
Microanalysis in psychotherapy is the close examination of the moment-by-moment communicative actions of the therapist. This study microanalyzed demonstration sessions by experts on solutionfocused and client-centered therapies,... more
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      PsychologyCommunicationSolution Focused TherapyTreatment
The study of talk-in-interaction is focused on how people conduct social interactions in real world situations, in real-time. The purpose of this article is to provide a primer for understanding talk-in-interaction research, conversation... more
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      CommunicationResearch DesignSocial InteractionAugmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)