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Of all the parables in the New Testament, the tale of the prodigal son is one of the most important and popular as it presents with the clarity of fiction the intimate relationship between God and man; chronicling sin, conversion, mercy,... more
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      Marilynne RobinsonMichael D. O’Brien
Les tentations de fuite d’un monde hostile au miroir de la science-fiction, et notamment de l’œuvre de Michael O’Brien Voyage vers Alpha du Centaure.
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      Science FictionMillenarianismCatholicismMichael D. O’Brien
The topic of this article is the challenges facing a Christian author when an attempt is made to use a form of Christian realism which not merely hints in an indirect way toward the supernatural reality affirmed by the Christian faith,... more
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      LiteratureCatholic StudiesRoman CatholicismCatholicism
RESUMO: O presente artigo apresenta os resultados preliminares de uma pesquisa desenvolvida com o intuito de apresentar uma investigação da maneira como o escritor canadense Michael David O'Brien fez amplo uso, no romance Voyage to Alpha... more
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      Canadian LiteratureCatholic LIteratureMichael D. O’Brien
The success of the realist novel was parallel to the gradual exorcising of the supernatural from the cosmos through the advance of scientific explanations. The disenchantment of nature and man pushed the larger religious vision of reality... more
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      Religious StudiesMichael D. O’Brien
In a marginalized group, personal suffering is inescapably united to excluding social and political structures and situa- tions. To provide consolation to an individual then also in- volves showing a way of how the group can escape its... more
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      Catholic StudiesScience FictionRoman CatholicismReligious Literature
Of all the parables in the New Testament, the tale of the prodigal son is one of the most important and popular as it presents with the clarity of fiction the intimate relationship between God and man; chronicling sin, conversion, mercy,... more
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      FatherhoodMarilynne RobinsonMichael D. O’Brien
Hvordan skriver man en moderne kristen apokalypse? Dette spørsmålet virker kanskje litt rart for mange kristne ettersom det i Det nye testamentet allerede finnes en apokalypse, nemlig Johannes’ åpenbaring. Men den apokalyptiske genren må... more
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      Apocalypticism In LiteratureCatholicismMichael D. O’Brien
Michael D. O’Brien is the author of several fiction and non-fiction works, based on his staunch Catholic Conservative views. Born in 1948, in Ottawa, he started working as an artist in 1970, specializing in religious imagery... more
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    • Michael D. O’Brien