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The intermediate stage of the development of general relativity is inseparable of Marcel Grossmann's mathematical assistance. Einstein acknowledges Grossmann's help during 1912-1914 to the development of general relativity. In fact, as... more
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      General RelativityAlbert EinsteinGeneral Theory of RelativitySpace-time
The article discusses some of the mathematical results widely used in practice which contain the Riemann ζ-function, and, at first glance, are in contradiction with common sense. A geometric approach is suggested, based on the concept of... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsAlgorithm
I discuss Albert Einstein's 1914 review paper, "The Formal Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity" from two points of view: the main elements in the paper that appear to have led to the downfall of the Einstein-Grossman theory;... more
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      General RelativityAlbert EinsteinGeneral Theory of RelativityTensor Calculus
I discuss Einstein's path-breaking November 1915 General Relativity papers. I show that Einstein's field equations of November 25, 1915 with an additional term on the right hand side involving the trace of the energy-momentum tensor... more
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      ReferenceGeneral RelativityAlbert EinsteinGeneral Theory of Relativity
I discuss Albert Einstein's 1916 General Theory of Relativity. I show that in Einstein's 1916 review paper, "the Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity", he derived his November 25, 1915 field equations with an additional term on... more
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      ReferenceGeneral RelativityAlbert EinsteinCosmology
Abstract: In this paper I explore the dialectics underlying the choice between a geometrical and a field interpretation of the metric tensor in general relativity. I highlight the role that analogical reasoning plays in determining... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceGravitationGeneral Relativity
On the basis of an exact solution for the field of a charge in a uniformly accelerated noninertial frame of reference (NFR) and formulated "Equivalent Situation Postulate" the nonlinear electrostatic theory of bound charges has been... more
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      Partial Differential EquationsTheorem ProvingSpace and Time (Philosophy)Electrical
Altough the Metric Tensor is notoriously difficult to fully grasp, in this paper I plan to explain this fundamental object in an intuitive way.We will take a look at two situations where the Metric Tensor arises naturally, almost as a... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsMetric TensorTensors
An extended advancing front technique (AFT) with shift operations and Riemann metric named as shifting-AFT is presented for finite element mesh generation on 3D surfaces, especially 3D closed surfaces. Riemann metric is used to govern the... more
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      EngineeringMesh generationFinite element methodFinite Elements
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      MathematicsStabilityCosmologySobolev spaces
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      Differential GeometryGeodesicGravityElements
In this short paper, I will derive-by defining several concepts. First I will simply define the term, then introduce you to. By the way of Minkowski metric you ′ ll be able to apply to the vectors In. Finally I ′ ll apply Minkowski inner... more
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      Metric TensorMinkowski Space
This paper describes a new computational method of fully automated anisotropic triangulation of a trimmed parametric surface. Given as input: (1) a domain geometry and (2) a 3 x 3 tensor field that specifies a desired anisotropic... more
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      AnisotropyMetric TensorDelaunay Triangulation