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An overview of BORO Foundational Ontology’s Meta-ontological Choices. This covers: - Background - BORO as an extensional ontology for business systems - The context for metaphysical choices - How does philosophy characterise the... more
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      Applied OntologyBORO Foundational OntologyMetaphysical ChoicesMeta-Ontological Options
The Centre for Digital Built Britain has been tasked through the Digital Framework Task Group to develop an Information Management Framework (IMF) to support the development of a National Digital Twin (NDT) as set out in “The Pathway to... more
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      Ontology MethodologyFoundational OntologyTop-Level OntologyMetaphysical Choices
This book is motivated by the belief that “a better understanding of ontology, epistemology, and teleology” is essential for enabling Modelling and Simulation (M&S) systems to reach the next level of ‘intelligence’. This chapter focuses... more
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      Applied OntologyTacit KnowledgePossible WorldsExtensionalism