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The aim of this work is to present a view on eukaryotic life under oxic and permanent anoxic conditions associated with hydrogen sulfide in bottom sediments of the Black Sea with emphasis on unicellular eukaryotes (protists). It was shown... more
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      ExtremophilesProtistsProtistan EcologyMeiobenthology
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a meiofauna da Praia Rasa (Búzios-RJ), descrevendo sua distribuição espaço-temporal e sua composição faunística em grupos taxonômicos superiores. Em razão da dominância do Filo... more
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Abstrak Praktikum kali ini adalah menganalisis keberadaan meiobenthos pada sedimen di pesisir dan sedimen yang menempel pada lamun di Pulau Tunda. Tujuan praktikum ini adalah menentukan klasifikasi sedimen dan komunitas meiobentos daerah... more
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      Seagrass ecologyGrain sizeMarine MeiobenthosMeiobenthology
A Termodinâmica Ambiental é o ramo da Física e das ciências da engenharia que estuda as variações de energia e a relação destas com o ambiente. Nos ecossistemas, esta energia geralmente é convertida em calor que é libertado para o... more
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      MeiofaunaSubjetividade e meio ambienteEngenharia AmbientalPercepcao Do Meio Ambiente
Marine nematodes belonging to two genera Prooncholaimus and Acanthonchus are described from Tanjung Tajam on the westernmost end of Pulau Ubin in the East Johor Strait. Prooncholaimus tani new species is characterised by having short... more
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      Nematode EcologyNematode biodiversityMeiofaunaMeiofauna Biodiversity and Ecology
Meiobenthos is a sediment-dwelling community with various taxonomic groups ranging in size from 63 to 500 µm. As a matter and energy link between primary producers and macrofauna, they have other functions in the ecosystem. Since this... more
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      Marine EcologyVenezuelaMeiofaunaCaribbean
Microbial eukaryotes (nematodes, protists, fungi, etc., loosely referred to as meiofauna) are ubiquitous in marine sediments and probably play pivotal roles in maintaining ecosystem function. Although the deep-sea benthos represents one... more
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      Community EcologyMetagenomicsDeep sea ecologyMarine Meiobenthos
The aim of this work is to present a view on eukaryotic life under oxic and permanent anoxic conditions associated with hydrogen sulfide in bottom sediments of the Black Sea with emphasis on unicellular eukaryotes (protists). It was shown... more
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Meiobenthos is a sediment-dwelling community with various taxonomic groups ranging in size from 63 to 500 μm. As a matter and energy link between primary producers and macrofauna, they have other functions in the ecosystem. Since this... more
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      Marine EcologyVenezuelaMeiofaunaCaribbean
The environmental status of the Falerno-Domitio littoral, a sector of the Italian south coast (Campania region) locally affected by an extensive anthropic pressure and pollution, was assessed by a multi-disciplinary approach, consisting... more
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      EcotoxicologyEnvironmental MonitoringMultidisciplinaryItaly
Distribución vertical y espacial de las principales familias de nematofauna bentónica como bioindicadores de microhábitats sedimentarios en la plataforma continental de la costa central del Perú
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      NematologyFree Living Marine NematodesMeiofaunaBiological Sciences
Microbial eukaryotes (nematodes, protists, fungi, etc., loosely referred to as meiofauna) are ubiquitous in marine sediments and probably play pivotal roles in maintaining ecosystem function. Although the deep-sea benthos represents one... more
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      PhylogeographyCommunity EcologyBiodiversityMetagenomics
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      Marine EcologyFree Living Marine NematodesPredator-Prey InteractionsMarine Meiobenthos