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Desires matter. How are we to understand their intentionality? According to the main dogma, a desire is a disposition to act. In this article, I propose an alternative to this functionalist picture, which is inspired by the... more
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      EmotionPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of ActionMoral Psychology
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    • Meinong studies
Internationales wissenschaftliches Symposium ReferentInnen Helmut Huber (Graz) Carlo Ierna (Utrecht) Kevin Mulligan (Genf) Czesław Porębski (Krakau) Venanzio Raspa (Urbino) Maria Reicher (Aachen) Robin Rollinger (Prag)
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      PhilosophyGestalt PsychologyChristian von EhrenfelsMeinong studies
How are we to understand the intentionality of desire? According to the two classical views, desire is either a positive evaluation or a disposition to act. This essay examines these conceptions of desire and argues for a deontic... more
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      EmotionPhilosophy of MindEthicsPhilosophy of Action
A short study exploring how a Meinongian might cope with Kripke's challenge to the descriptivist account of names. This was part of a workshop on phenomenology organised in Dublin by Dr Rasmus Jensen and Dr Dermot Moran
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      History of Analytic PhilosophyMeinong studies