Recent papers in Matriliny
In 1933 the Madras Marumakkathayam [matriliny] Act was passed by the Legislative Council, allowing the division and partition of the matrilineal taravad (joint-family). This effectively brought to an end a pattern of kinship and descent,... more
'State and Legal Reform: A Study of the Matrilineal Mappila Muslims of Malabar', in Sudha Sitharaman and Anindita Chakrabarty (eds.): Religion and Secularities: Reconfiguring Islam in Contemporary India, Orient Blackswan, 2020
A synoptic view of a history of Nayar matriliny in Kerala, its dissolution, changing property rights, sexuality, and morality. Paper ends with a set of reflections of contemporary Kerala and its gender norms and relations.
Despite of having an enriched gender equal societal antiquity, India is presently experiencing a patriarchal wave. In disparity with the main land India, North East has always represented a more gender equal society. Therefore, this paper... more
Using gender as the major line of difference, the paper examines the diversity within Islam in northern Mozambique, in which, despite strong historical ties to the Swahili world and waves of Islamic expansion, as well as attempts to... more
This paper considers ruling women through the lens of gender and succession, mostly between 1300 and 1800; it underlines the fundamental impact of matrilineal succession on worldwide dynastic practice. First the paper asks how women... more
Les personnages féminins du roman Le coeur cousu de Carole Martinez possèdent des talents exceptionnels qui attirent la jalousie et la peur des voisins du village de Santavela. La romancière française propose un cadre villageois dans le... more
The study provides an ethnographic account of matrilineal practices along the coasts of Malabar through a case study of the Koyas of Kozhikode (Calicut). Challenging the common assumption of Muslim societies as patrilineal and... more
Varios personajes femeninos de la primera novela de Carole Martinez, Le cœur cousu, son considerados como amenazantes o malditos por la sociedad. No obstante, estas mujeres son depositarias de una tradición heterodoxa y de unas creencias... more
For many decades, anthropologists have debated the question of matriliny, with some expressing concerns about its prospects of survival in a modern economy of private property and greater economic differentiation. In continuing this... more
This paper uses a range of ethnographic evidence to challenge Nancy Jay's theory that ritual sacrifice involves the violent appropriation of female biological powers for male cultural/political ends, and that the social identities thereby... more
Les structuralismes reconnaissent les systèmes de parenté comme une institution centrale dans l'organisation des sociétés primitives. Chez Radcliffe-Brown comme chez Lévi-Strauss, son analyse aboutit à l'identification d'un élément de... more
... survey of households (referring to the group living in one resi-dence), I found that two generation families comprise 64% of households in Tanjung Batang ... Lina, the youngest daughter of a wealthy elite family, told me that she and... more
... EVELYN BLACKWOOD Purdue University The specter of the Patriarchal Man AMERICAN ETHNOLOGIST, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. ... ''Other'' genders and sexualities can safely be boxed and observed without doing damage to... more