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      CalculusMathematical EconomicsMathematical AnalysisAnálisis Matemático
We present a proposal of a Research and Study Course (RSC) which arises from a very common business matter: making a sales forecast of a product set, given the sold amounts of a certain period of time. This RSC has been experimented as a... more
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      Mathematics EducationRecorridos de Estudio e InvestigaciónMatemáticas en Economia
This paper presents a mathematical modelling activity experienced with students of first year university level centred on a problem of forecasting sales using onevariable functions. It then focuses on the back and forth movements between... more
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      EngineeringMathematics EducationRecorridos de Estudio e InvestigaciónMatemáticas en Economia
Hola buenas tardes.
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      Matemáticas en EconomiaSolucionario Ecuaciones Diferenciales Con Aplicaciones de Modelado
This paper presents a mathematical modelling activity experienced with students of first year university level centred on a problem of forecasting sales using onevariable functions. It then focuses on the back and forth movements... more
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      Mathematics EducationRecorridos de Estudio e InvestigaciónMatemáticas en Economia