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      Development StudiesUrban HeritageIntermediate CitiesMansoura
Egypt has great heritage assets including the heritage buildings that have high values, most of them, suffering from deterioration, negligence, non-investment, and non-periodic maintenance. Most of the conservation projects of heritage... more
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      Green BuildingLEED CertificationRestoration of Historical BuildingsHeritage Buildings
Abstract. We aim to evaluate the newly developed Reversed Dot Blot Hybridization (RDBH) technique against the established Amplification Refractory Mutation System (ARMS) in detection of most common Mediterranean mutations of... more
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During the last decade, the researches mainly focused on the development of the huge cities- megalopolis. In the same time, the studies neglected intermediate and small cities, their development and the problems facing them. Despite these... more
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      Intermediate CitiesMansouraKemeraltı
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      DocumentationArchaeological documentationEgyptSustainable Architecture
We aim to evaluate the newly developed Reversed Dot Blot Hybridization (RDBH) technique against the established Amplification Refractory Mutation System (ARMS) in detection of most common Mediterranean mutations of â-thalassaemia in... more
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Abstract. Lymphadenopathy whether benign or malignant represents a diagnostic dilemma in childhood. We tried to evaluate flow cytometric analysis of DNA cycle and apoptotic parameters of fine needle aspiration of lymph node (FNA) or... more
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خلال السنوات الأخيرة ومع انتشار مفهوم الاستدامة وتركيز الدراسات البحثية على تطبيق قواعد الاستدامة بأبعادها المختلفة في مختلف المجالات الحياتية وخاصة تلك المرتبطة بمجالات التنمية , وتبني الحكومات في بعض البلدان للتنمية المستدامة وتضمينها... more
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      Signsالمدينة العربيةMansouraHistorical districts
CITATIONS 0 READS 27 8 authors, including:
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      Flow CytometryEgyptMultivariate AnalysisCoefficient of Variation
Abstract. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) aided by biofeedback in rehabilitating Egyptian adolescents who were suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Out of 298 screened individuals with... more
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Although cancer therapies have experienced great success nowadays, yet the associated toxic response and free radicals formation have resulted in significant number of treatment-induced deaths rather than disease-induced fatalities.... more
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      EgyptVitamin EMansoura
Lymphadenopathy whether benign or malignant represents a diagnostic dilemma in childhood. We tried to evaluate flow cytometric analysis of DNA cycle and apoptotic parameters of fine needle aspiration of lymph node (FNA) or peripheral... more
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      Flow CytometryEgyptMultivariate AnalysisCoefficient of Variation