Manipulative/Manual Therapy
Recent papers in Manipulative/Manual Therapy
in 2013. Julsvoll received the Norwegian Musculosceletal Research Award 2014 for her research on temporomandibular disorders and have presented her research results both at international and national congresses. Julsvoll works at Hans &... more
Background: A lumbar lateral shift (LLS) is a common clinical observation in patients with low back pain (LBP), and a shift contralateral to the side of pain is the most common presentation. An LLS that can rapidly alternate sides... more
Research reveals that the primary impairment of the muscular system in individuals with low back pain is not one of strength or functional capacity but rather one of motor control of the deep muscles of the trunk. These deep muscles... more
Objectives: Knee osteoarthritis (OA) causes disability among the elderly and is often associated with impaired balance and proprioception. Perturbation exercises may help improve these impairments. Although manual physical therapy is... more
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Nyeri leher (neck pain) merupakan rasa tidak nyaman di sekitar leher, Nyeri leher juga dapat didefinisikan sebagairasa sakit yang dirasakan di daerah yang dibatasi oleh prosesus spinosus torakal satu dan daerah... more
P ostural misalignment of head on trunk (e.g., forward head posture) is associated with complaints of pain in the neck and shoulder region 1-5 and temporomandibular joint dysfunction 6,7 , but is also observed in asymptomatic individuals... more
Mulligan mobilization techniques are frequently used in clinical practice but there is little evidence underlying their use. The aims of this study were to determine the immediate effects of the Mulligan traction straight leg raise... more
Only evidence-based chiropractors who have renounced subluxation dogma can be part of a team that would research the effects of manipulation without bias.
DC ND DO FACN in Bogota, Colombia History and Perspectives What we as doctors learn in medical school about viral infections is summarized within the following course titles: Microbiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology. Following this... more
Rather than viewing viral infections in a manner that is phenomenalistic and enigmatic, and therefore unwieldy, leading to clumsy prevention and treatment strategies, we should deconstruct the complexity of the infectious process. Doing... more
Capitolul 1 "Opinia publică" -un concept ambiguu / 17 Precizări terminologice /18 Ce se înţelege prin termenul de "opinie publică"? / 28 Capitolul 2 Din istoricul cunoaşterii opiniei publice / 35 Elogiul şi defăimarea opiniei publice / 35... more
This article provides a best evidence-informed review of the current scientific understanding of myofascial trigger points with regard to their etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical implications. Evidence-informed manual therapy... more
Thoracic spine manipulation is commonly used by physical therapists for the management of patients with upper quarter pain syndromes. The theoretical construct for using thoracic manipulation for upper quarter conditions is a mainstay of... more
Background & Purpose Spinal manipulation is used by a variety of healthcare providers in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Its safety is often a topic of debate, despite the infrequent nature of adverse events (less than 1... more
Background & Purpose Spinal manipulation is used by a variety of healthcare providers in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Its safety is often a topic of debate, despite the infrequent nature of adverse events (less than 1... more
L ow back pain (LBP) is a costly and troubling phenomenon, affecting 60% to 80% of Americans within their lifetime 1,2 . The one-year prevalence of acute LBP has been estimated to exceed 60% 3 , causing nearly 5% of Americans to lose work... more
Background & Purpose Spinal manipulation is used by a variety of healthcare providers in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Its safety is often a topic of debate, despite the infrequent nature of adverse events (less than 1... more
The aim of this study was to describe and update current knowledge of manual therapy accuracy in treating cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, to identify the limitations in current studies, and to suggest areas for future research. The... more
It has been suggested that tight hamstring muscle, due to its anatomical connections, could be a compensatory mechanism for providing sacroiliac (SI) joint stability in patients with gluteal muscle weakness and SIJ dysfunction. The... more
Krishna's Kinetikinetic Manual Therapy® (KKMT®) is the latest school of thought in manual therapy founded by Dr. Krishna N. Sharma, a Physiotherapist from India. KKMT® Joint Mobilization is a part of KKMT® as a whole. The KKMT® protocol... more
This paper is re-edited. It publishes a new procedure for treating herniated or bulging spinal discs with the clinical percussion instruments called Trigger Point Hammer (TPH) and TriggerCiser (TC); this therapy is generally referred to... more
Objectives: Upper limb neurodynamic testing (ULNT) can be used clinically to assist in identifying neural tissue involvement in patients with upper quarter pain and dysfunction. Consideration for scapular positioning is a crucial... more
Rather than viewing viral infections in a manner that is phenomenalistic and enigmatic, and therefore unwieldy, leading to clumsy prevention and treatment strategies, we should deconstruct the complexity of the infectious process. Doing... more
There appears to be very little in the research literature on the safety of thrust joint manipulation (TJM) when applied to the thoracic spine. To retrospectively analyze all available documented case reports in the literature describing... more
Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) are common and may cause temporomandibular joint (TMJ) locking, pain, and disability. Evidence supports use of manual therapy and exercise for treatment of TMDs including disk displacement limiting... more
In recent years, increased knowledge of the pathogenesis of upper quadrant pain syndromes has translated to better management strategies. Recent studies have demonstrated evidence of peripheral and central sensitization mechanisms in... more
Objectives: Neck pain can be evaluated with passive intervertebral motion (PIVM). No study has evaluated the reliability of three-dimensional (3D) segmental PIVM testing of the cervical spine in symptomatic subjects in a functional,... more
This special issue on the coevolution of innovation and public policy is the first issue of Complexity, Governance & Networks to be published by our new publisher, the University of Bamberg Press (UBP). UBP, an academic publisher from... more
Background: There appears to be very little in the research literature on the safety of thrust joint manipulation (TJM) when applied to the thoracic spine. Purpose: To retrospectively analyze all available documented case reports in the... more
Objectives: To investigate the immediate effects of soft tissue mobilization (STM) versus therapeutic ultrasound (US) in patients with neck and arm pain who demonstrate neural mechanical sensitivity. Background: While experts have... more
Objective: The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the inter-rater reliability of the McKenzie System of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) when classifying patients with musculoskeletal knee pain using clinical vignettes.... more
Muscle energy technique (MET) is a form of manual therapy frequently used to correct lumbopelvic pain (LPP), herein the patient voluntarily contracts specific muscles against the resistance of the clinician. Studies on MET regarding... more
Assessment of an individual's functional ability can be complex. This assessment should also be individualized and adaptable to changes in functional status. In the first article of this series, we operationally defined function,... more
L ateral epicondylalgia (epicondylitis or tennis elbow) is a clinical enigma characterized by pain over the lateral elbow and limited wrist movement often leading to restricted job performance and restricted activities of daily living 1.... more
Objectives: Knee osteoarthritis (OA) causes disability among the elderly and is often associated with impaired balance and proprioception. Perturbation exercises may help improve these impairments. Although manual physical therapy is... more
Background & Purpose Spinal manipulation is used by a variety of healthcare providers in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Its safety is often a topic of debate, despite the infrequent nature of adverse events (less than 1... more
BACKGROUND: Cervical radiculopathy is a common ailment typically confirmed via magnetic resonance imaging. Triage in these patients may be complex as many will be treated conservatively while others will advance to surgical intervention.... more