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This paper presents a summary of research to utilise the massive amount of low grade heat energy, for instance which exists in the worlds oceans, by a new type of magnetic cycle. Developed herein are methods based on 2nd order phase... more
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      ThermodynamicsStatistical ThermodynamicsElectrodynamicsMagnetics
We report neutron diffuse scattering measurements on highly magnetostrictive Fe1−xGax alloys (0.14<x<0.20) with different thermal treatments. This diffuse scattering scales with magnetostriction and exhibits asymmetric peaks at the (100)... more
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      Magnetic MaterialsNeutron DiffractionMagnetismMagnetostriction
Under the excitation of high-frequency AC longitudinal magnetic field, a rotation can be induced in a magnetic wire under particular circumstances. In the present work latest results on amorphous, nanocrystalline and polycrystalline wires... more
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      Magnetic MaterialsMagnetismMagnetic LevitationMagnetic Microwires
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    • Magnetics, Magnetostriction, Energy Harvesting
Magnetostrictive behaviour of the electrical steel cores of transformers and electrical machines has been studied under wellknown excitation waveforms, e.g. purely sinusoidal. However, the magnetisation may contain higher harmonics due to... more
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      Magnetics, Magnetostriction, Energy HarvestingElectrical Steel
The new surprising effect consisting on the mechanical rotation of magnetic wires is reviewed: they rotate (tens of Hz) when subjected to AC magnetic field (tens of kHz). This phenomenon, originating in the generation of a magnetoelastic... more
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      Magnetic MaterialsMagnetismMagnetics, Magnetostriction, Energy HarvestingMagnetism and Magnetic Materials
High-pressure x-ray diffraction measurements were performed at room temperature on single crystals of the highly magnetostrictive alloy Fe0.81Ga0.19 (galfenol). This alloy has a bcc crystal structure at ambient pressure but undergoes a... more
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      Materials ScienceMagnetics, Magnetostriction, Energy Harvesting
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      Magnetics, Magnetostriction, Energy HarvestingMagnetostrictive MaterialsGalfenol