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Relevante Qualifikationsmerkmale bereits in der Vorauswahl erkennen zu können - ohne aufwändige psychologische Tests durchführen zu müssen - ermöglicht eine effektivere Preselektion von Bewerbern. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir ein... more
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      ExpertiseMANAGING HUMAN RESSOURCESLearning Analytics
Mengelola sebuah keberagaman (managing diversity) berarti membangun tenaga kerja yang heterogen untuk menunjukkan potensinya dalam suatu lingkungan kerja yang adil, di mana tidak ada anggota atau sekelompok anggota memiliki keuntungan... more
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Managing Human Resources Assessment 2 Toward the finish of the report you will have the capacity to comprehend the significance of the human resource office, how the human resource division encourages an organization to reach to their... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentTraining and DevelopmentHuman Resource ManagementStrategic Human Resource Management
1.1.1Introduction to the organization ABC financial Services PLC is an organization established in 1988. They're main focus of business is in Financial services via fixed deposits, leasing, pawning and other products and they're target... more
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      Human Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesMANAGING HUMAN RESSOURCESStrategic Managaement
Literature often presents the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in association with the idea of Business Ethics. In this article, we saw the need to ellaborate a theoretical model of Business Ethics that was capable of... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityMANAGING HUMAN RESSOURCESBusiness Management
Corporate Social Responsibility and labor relations: a research agenda about internal stakeholders management in un's global compact signatory corporations Empresarial e Relações de Trabalho: programa de pesquisa sobre gerenciamento dos... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityMANAGING HUMAN RESSOURCESBusiness Management