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      DevelopmentTransgenic MiceSignal TransductionLung Imaging
Objective: To optimize scan time and X-ray dose with no loss of image quality for retrospectively gated micro-CT scans of free-breathing rats. Methods: Five free-breathing rats were scanned using a dynamic micro-CT scanner over 10... more
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      Lung ImagingBio-Medical EngineeringMicro-CT
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      ImmunologyMagnetic Resonance ImagingMRINanotechnology
The lungs of birds have long been known to move air in only one direction during both inspiration and expiration through most of the tubular gas-exchanging bronchi (parabronchi). Recently a similar pattern of airflow has been observed in... more
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      Comparative AnatomyEvolutionary BiologyComputed TomographyPulmonary Research
Lung parenchyma remains one of the most difficult tissues to be imaged by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Several MRI techniques are routinely used for lung imaging. However, manganese-enhancement MRI (MEMRI) technique has not... more
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      NanotechnologyManganeseLung ImagingNanoscience