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Legionella is one of the emerging concerns of water quality in built water environments. Premise plumbing systems are among the recognised sources of infection. In the present study, colonisation of hot water networks in health care... more
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      WaterWater PurificationBiologyMedicine
, we tested patients with severe respiratory illness for Legionella spp. infection and conducted a retrospective epidemiologic investigation. Of 1,805 patients tested, Legionella was detected in samples of 21 (1.2%); most were adults who... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyEmerging Infectious DiseasesSouth AfricaLegionella pneumophila
The electrochemical disinfection of germinated brown rice (GBR) circulating water and cooling tower water containing Legionella bacteria was investigated. Results showed the total aerobic plate counts (APC) in the treated GBR circulating... more
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      ChemistryElectrochemistryWater PurificationMedicine
The following resources related to this article are available online at
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      DentistryWater SupplyPolymerase Chain ReactionWater Microbiology
The study aim was to determine retrospectively whether the parallel use of 2 media [buffered charcoal yeast extract (BCYE) and medium of Wadowsky and Yee (MWY)] to isolate Legionella spp. from water samples taken from hospital water... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyWater SupplyClinical Sciences
A multiplex real-time PCR assay for detection of Legionella pneumophila and Legionella spp. and including an internal control was designed. Legionella species, L. pneumophila, and the internal control were detected simultaneously by... more
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      Clinical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesInternal Controlreal time PCR
The global outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has forced the closure, or the reduction of the use of, many large facilities, as hospital wards at an unprecedented scale. Now, as many communities start planning for re-opening after the... more
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      HospitalsRisk mitigationLegionellaOutbreak
The aim of the present work was to validate the performances of a new molecular method comprehensive of water sample filtration, DNA extraction and Real-Time PCR for the quantification of Legionella spp. in clear water samples, in... more
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      Water MicrobiologyLegionellaBiochemistry and cell biology
Legionella spp. are the causative agent of Legionnaire's disease and an opportunistic pathogen of significant public health concern. Identification and quantification from environmental sources is crucial for identifying outbreak origins... more
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      MicrobiologyEnvironmental microbiologyMedical MicrobiologyCulture
The Lascaux Cave contains a remarkable set of paintings from the Upper Palaeolithic. Shortly after discovery in 1940, the cave was modified for public viewing and, in 2001, was invaded by a Fusarium solani species complex. Benzalkonium... more
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      FungiFranceMultidisciplinarySequence Analysis
Comparative sequence analysis of a 423-bp segment of the gyrA gene including a region homologous to the quinolone resistance-determining region (QRDR) of other species was evaluated as a novel typing method for Legionella strains. The... more
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      ImmunologyComparative sequence analysisMedical MicrobiologyQuinolones
Availability of safe, pathogen-free drinking water is vital to public health; however, it is impossible to deliver sterile drinking water to consumers. Recent microbiome research is bringing new understanding to the true extent and... more
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      BiofilmsConstruction MaterialsEnvironmental MonitoringMultidisciplinary
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
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      WaterWater PurificationFiltrationMultidisciplinary
Background: To control the presence of Legionella in an old hospital water system, an integrated strategy of water disinfection-filtration was implemented in the university hospital Umberto I in Rome. Methods: Due to antiquated buildings,... more
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      MicrobiologyPatient SafetyMedical MicrobiologyHospitals
The currently accepted culture techniques for the detection of Legionella spp. in water samples (AS/NZS 3896:1998 and ISO 11731 standard methods) are slow and laborious, requiring from 7 to 14 days for a result. We describe a fully... more
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      Multidisciplinaryreal time PCRApplied Environmental MicrobiologyPolymerase Chain Reaction
Currently, the investigation of Legionella ecology falls into two distinct areas of research activity: (1) that Legionella multiply within water sources by parasitizing amoebic or ciliate hosts or (2) that Legionella grows extracellularly... more
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      MicrobiologyBiofilmsMicrobial EcologyEcology
Rakić A, Perić J, Foglar L. Influence of temperature, chlorine residual and heavy metals on the presence of Legionella pneumophila in hot water distribution systems Ann Agric Environ Med. 2012; 19(3): 343-348.
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      ColorimetryHeavy metalsWater SupplyLegionella pneumophila
Background: The prevention and control of legionellosis in hospital settings involves environmental sampling, among other measures. The data yielded by sampling constitute an important means of risk assessment and provide a valid basis on... more
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      NursingBiofilmsEnvironmental MonitoringHospitals
Legionella and amebae populations in 16 cooling towers were challenged with three
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologySulfidesAir Conditioning
Our laboratory has developed a novel real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the detection of Legionella pneumophila and differentiation from other Legionella spp. in clinical and environmental samples. The 23S rRNA gene was... more
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      MicrobiologyAlgorithmsEnvironmental microbiologyMedical Microbiology
Opportunistic pathogens, including Legionella spp. and non-tuberculous mycobacteria, can thrive in building hot water systems despite municipal and traditional on-site chlorine disinfection. Monochloramine is a relatively new approach to... more
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      HospitalsPolymerase Chain ReactionPennsylvaniaWater Microbiology
A study of the quality of reclaimed water in treated effluent, after storage, and at three points in the distribution system of four plants in California, Florida, Massachusetts, and New York was conducted for 1 year. The plants had... more
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      Water PurificationBiologyWater PollutionMedicine
A large number of different diseases are associated with the consumption of hygienic defective water and the use of water for maintaining personal hygiene. Recreational waters, water in systems intended for cooling and heating of public... more
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      MicrobiologyEpidemiologyPublic HealthRisk Assessment & Risk Management
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    • Legionella
Background: Microbial safe tap water is crucial for the safety of immunosuppressed patients.
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      MicrobiologyWater PurificationMedical MicrobiologyFiltration
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      BioinformaticsProtein-protein interactionsLegionella pneumophilaHost-Pathogen Interactions
Turkish bath or Moorish bath has a worldwide reputation and it is widely frequented by Moroccans. This study was designed to determine, for the first time, the prevalence of colonization of Legionella species (L. spp.) in hot water... more
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    • Legionella
Water samples collected from 28 dental facilities in six U.S. states were examined for the presence of Legionella pneumophila and other Legionella spp. by the PCR-gene probe, fluorescent-antibody microscopic, and viable-plate-count... more
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      MultidisciplinaryLegionella pneumophilaApplied Environmental MicrobiologyPolymerase Chain Reaction
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      EpidemiologyMolecular BiologySerologyLegionella pneumophila
The water used in dental unit waterlines (DUWLs) acts as a coolant for the high-speed equipments and as an irrigant during dental treatments. There are kind of water tanks. DUWLs provide a favorable environment for microbial biofilm and... more
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      BiofilmsWater qualityTurkeyFluid Dynamics
A microbiological environmental investigation was carried out in ten dental clinics in Italy. Microbial contamination of water, air and surfaces was assessed in each clinic during the five working days, for one week per month, for a... more
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      Environmental MonitoringPreventive medicinePublic HealthMultidisciplinary
We investigated Legionella and Pseudomonas contamination of hot water in a cross-sectional multicentric survey in Italy. Chemical parameters (hardness, free chlorine, and trace elements) were determined. Legionella spp. were detected in... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyEcological Niche ModelingEmerging Infectious DiseasesItaly
This study describes the development and evaluation of a new commercial test, Chlamylege (Argene Inc.), which allows the simultaneous detection in respiratory samples of Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and most Legionella... more
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      AdolescentClinical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesChild
Laboratories responsible for Legionella diagnostics around the world use a number of different culturing methods of non-equivalent sensitivities and specificities, to detect Legionella species in environmental samples. Specific countries... more
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      BiofilmsWaterMine WaterEnvironmental Monitoring
Legionela spp. are ubiquitous in most environmental water sources; however, sewage treatment plants have not been examined as potential environmental reservoirs for these bacteria. This study used polymerase chain reaction, direct... more
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      MultidisciplinaryApplied Environmental MicrobiologyPolymerase Chain ReactionSeawater
The existence and preliminary characterization of bacteriophages active against the Gram-negative human pathogen Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of a very severe form of pneumonia, are reported. Four phages belonging to the... more
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      MicrobiologyMicrobial EcologyBiologyBacteriophages
Cooling towers (CTs) are a leading source of outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease (LD), a severe form of pneumonia caused by inhalation of aerosols containing Legionella bacteria. Accordingly, proper maintenance of CTs is vital for the... more
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Although the majority of cases of Legionnaires' disease (LD) are caused by Legionella pneumophila, an increasing number of other Legionella species have been reported to cause human disease. There are no clinical presentations unique to... more
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      real time PCRClinicalPolymerase Chain ReactionClinical microbiology and infection control
Although the majority of cases of Legionnaires' disease (LD) are caused by Legionella pneumophila, an increasing number of other Legionella species have been reported to cause human disease. There are no clinical presentations unique to... more
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      real time PCRClinicalPolymerase Chain ReactionClinical microbiology and infection control
pneumonia hospitalised patients with community-acquired on the basis of the urine antigen results in empirical treatment versus targeted treatment Prospective, randomised study to compare more
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      Treatment OutcomeStreptococcus pneumoniaeProspective studiesHospitalization
The usefulness of two quantitative real-time PCR assays (qrt-PCRmip targeting Legionella pneumophila, and qrt-PCR16S targeting all Legionella species) performed on lower respiratory tract (LRT) samples for diagnostic and prognostic... more
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      AdolescentPneumoniaPolymerase Chain ReactionYoung Adult
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, and Legionella spp. in respiratory specimens using the NucliSens Basic Kit (bioMérieux, Boxtel, The Netherlands). Oligonucleotide primers were derived from the M. pneumoniae, C. pneumoniae,... more
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      Clinical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesHealth ServicesDNA hybridization
Members of the Legionella genus find suitable conditions for their growth and survival in nuclear power plant cooling circuits. To limit the proliferation of Legionella pathogenic bacteria in nuclear power plant cooling circuits, and... more
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      DisinfectantsDisinfectionNuclear Power PlantsWater Microbiology
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is becoming a more attractive tourist destination with a significant increase in the number of tourists and overnight stays. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the presence of Legionella... more
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      MicrobiologyGeographyEpidemiologyPublic Health
Nosocomial legionellosis is a growing concern worldwide. In Hungary, about 20% of the reported cases are health-care associated, but in the absence of legal regulation, environmental monitoring of Legionella is not routinely performed in... more
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      Environmental microbiologyMedical MicrobiologyMedicineHospitals