Legal Capacity
Recent papers in Legal Capacity
This article will provide a brief historical background to mental health law in order to gain a greater sense of the significance of international human rights law to civil commitment legislation today. Historical context will help to... more
Este artigo analisa o problema do consentimento médico informado das pessoas com deficiência intelectual e psíquica no Peru. Em 2018 Perú modificou o Código Civil e reconociou a capacidade jurídica das pessoas com deficiência mental. No... more
Brief statement from March 2011.
“Disabilità, giustizia, diritto” è uno studio finalizzato a comprendere se nel panorama gius-filosofico contemporaneo le persone con disabilità siano annoverate tra i soggetti di giustizia e di diritto. Data la complessità del tema, gli... more
The Draft Bill amending civil and procedural legislation on disability, presented on 21 September 2018, seeks to comply with the right to equal recognition as a person before the law of all persons with disabilities. To this end, it... more
En septiembre de 2018, se reformó el Código Civil peruano para reconocer la capacidad jurídica de las personas con discapacidad. En atención a esta modificatoria, el artículo presenta una revisión general de las principales... more
This is an author's original manuscript of a paper that has been published in International Journal of Law in Context, 13,1 pp. 77–86 (2017) © Cambridge University Press 2017 doi:10.1017/S1744552316000483. This reflection responds... more
Supported decision-making replaces clinical/medicalized service framework as overall approach to mental health crisis; non-discriminatory violence prevention and non-discriminatory conflict resolution replace the conjoint medicalized... more
Reimagining Crisis Support: Matrix, Roadmap and Policy aims to shift the conversation about personal crisis from one based in mental health discourse to one based in a social model of disability and human rights. The book's primary... more
This is a study of ahliyya (legal capacity) that examines how femaleness features as a category of law and how sex difference determines the legal capacities of women. It originates in concerns for equality in South African debates on... more
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) prohibited deprivation legal capacity of persons with disability based on assessment of mental capacity. The assertion is that, persons with disabilities shall exercise... more
The paper is a comprehensive report on mental health services and laws in 35 countries, with a particular focus on involuntary treatment, legal capacity and testimonies of ex-users of psychiatry.
Grounded in my personal experience as a survivor of psychiatric violence, I take a historical approach to the recent development of norms that support a demand for reparations for psychiatric violence. I introduce the reader to the... more
Legal capacity of persons with mental disabilities was a contentious issue during the process of drafting the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Arab Group, consisting of Muslim-majority countries, in the United... more
This article addresses the right to legal capacity to consent to sex of people with intellectual disabilities. Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities guarantees the right to legal capacity on an equal... more
Resumen: El artículo 12 de la Convención Internacional de Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad reconoce la igual capacidad jurídica de las personas con discapacidad y aborda la cuestión de la capacidad jurídica desde la perspectiva... more
To provide a valid consent to – or refusal of – medical intervention, a patient must be legally capable to decide. This dissertation evaluates and compares when the assessment of mental abilities to refuse – or consent to – somatic... more
Ponencia en el Curso X Aniversario de la entrada en vigor de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (CU19061), dirigido por D. TORCUATO RECOVER BALBOA, y por D. IGNACIO SANCHO GARGALLO, en el... more
In both continental and common law systems, the concept of discernment plays a central role as a factor that determines whether a person is considered to have or not have the capacity to make decisions or to exercise rights and duties for... more
La promulgación de la Ley 1996 de 2019 implicó un cambio en el paradigma existente sobre la capacidad legal de las personas en situación de discapacidad en Colombia. La introducción del modelo social de discapacidad se materializó a... more
Este miércoles se discute el proyecto de resolución al Amparo Directo en Revisión 44/2018 el ponente es el sr. Ministro Pardo Rebolledo. La revisión del proyecto parte de una postura radical y crítica sobre la Discapacidad: Que las... more
Presentation delivered in Budapest in Nov 2006.
The legal capacity of natural persons subject is excluded from the scope of Regulation 44/2001 ex art. 1.2 a). Is the capacity of the seller an excluded issue or, contrariwise, is it considered a contractual matter? The present paper aims... more
"Review of decision making of patients with mental difficulties in the health care context" Summary: The present article addresses certain aspects of consent to medical treatment of persons with mental difficulties. To that regard, we... more
Human rights have recently impacted on current conceptualisations of the rights and obligations owed to individuals with impairments, culminating in the UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Particularly significant... more
The issues related to the development of artificial intelligence have recently been tackled by various countries and international organisations, with the application of technologies involving machine learning, neural networks and deep... more
La discapacidad psicosocial y las dos difamaciones - la difamación de la amenaza y la difamación de la incapacidad, y lo que dice la reciente Observación General No. 1 del Comité CDPD. Oct 2014.
Algunos sistemas legales de América Latina han ido avanzando hacia el reconocimiento del igual derecho al reconocimiento de la personalidad jurídica de las personas con discapacidad. Tales formas de reconocimiento van desde reformas... more
In this paper, the author deals with current theoretical issues of international legal personality. Special attention is paid to the growing conflict between the factual and normative dimensions of general legal capacity of subjects of... more
On 3 December 2010, Argentina enacted the National Mental Health Law (NMHL), two years after ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). By allowing extrajudicial involuntary commitments for... more
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) prohibited deprivation legal capacity of persons with disability based on assessment of mental capacity. The assertion is that, persons with disabilities shall exercise... more
In this paper I reflect on my 13 years of work in international human rights law related to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, on obstacles and co-optation, and on my growing and inescapable awareness of linkages... more
“Dangerous liaisons”. Critical reflections on vulnerability, disability and law**: The attitude of the disability rights advocates towards vulnerability is extremely complex, given the ambiguity of this concept, which is used in the... more
In the matter of the request for an advisory opinion by the Council of Europe Committee on Bioethics under Article 29 of the Oviedo Convention (European Court of Human Rights) Written submissions by the Center for the Human Rights of... more
En presente trabajo tienen como objetivo analizar el régimen de incapacidad del Código Civil Argentino (CC) a la luz del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos, y más concretamente, de la Convención Internacional sobre los Derechos... more
In this paper I examine the reception of Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in the courts of two domestic jurisdictions: United States (New York) and Mexico, and through legislative reform in... more
In this essay, I examine the concept of taklīf in some influential Ashʿarī works of uṣūl al-fiqh. By situating the possibility of imposition of divine duties (taklīf) within the larger scheme of the dynamics of production of normativity... more
Alternative proposal based on CRPD - full legal capacity plus taking account of subjective perspective to inform judgment by community jury of peers. Sept 2014.
"Legal capacity is presumed for individuals who are not labeled as disabled, while capacity mustbe negotiated by those with intellectual, significant psychosocial, and communication disabilities. These individuals are presumed to lack... more