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      Mongolian StudiesNumismaticsByzantine NumismaticsByzantine and Medieval Numismatics
Digitized collection of public domain works and articles on islamic numismatics
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      Islamic NumismaticsMedieval Islamic NumismaticsOttoman coinsBibliography of numismatic
The meaning of personal names on coins of the Abbasid caliphate was different in two phases, separated by a brief transitional period. Phase I: All the persons named on coins in the first Abbasid period, from the advent of the dynasty... more
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      Islamic titulatureal-Mahdi, Abbasid caliphal-Mansur, Abbasid caliphAbbasid provincial administration
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      Medieval HistoryIslamic numsimatics
Provincial mints were founded following currency and mint reform made at the end of the 17th century in order to meet some needs in various regions. Gold, silver and copper coins were minted in those mints with the mechanical method. The... more
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      Ottoman HistoryNumismaticsMonetary historyIslamic Numismatics
Research into previous owners, vendors and provenance of objects now kept in the Münzkabinett.
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      History of CollectionsProvenance researchCollectors and CollectingIslamic numsimatics
A seal of Ikhtiyār al-Dīn al-Ḥasan ibn Ghafras, a member of a noble Byzantine family serving at the court of sultan Qilijǧ Arslān, is witness of a brief moment of historical opportunities in the history of the Rūm-Saljūqs. Al-Ḥasan... more
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      Islamic StudiesByzantine NumismaticsIslamic numsimaticsSeals
Бойко-Гагарин А.С., К вопросу о фальшивих монетах в Крымском ханстве во второй половине XV-XVI вв. // Сборник публикаций, «Восточная нумизматика в Украине: Улус Джучи, Крымское ханство и сопредельные государства в ХІІІ-XVIII вв.», Ч. ІІІ,... more
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      Monetary historyIslamic NumismaticsCrimean TatarMedieval Islamic Numismatics