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Interfaith dialogue has been touted as a means to solve many of the religious divisions that have arisen in an increasingly global and multi-faith society. In Australia, now a multi-cultural and multi faith society, a range of... more
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      Political ScienceIslam in AustraliaInterfaith Dialogue
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    • Islam in Australia
Studi Islam di lembaga pendidikan tinggi Australia setidaknya dapat dipetakan menjadi dua model. Pertama, studi Islam dengan pendekatan ilmiah-akademis dan kedua studi Islam dengan pendekatan praktis-akademis. Pendekatan pertama... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslam in Australia
In Australia, there has been confusion and misunderstanding surrounding the term 'fatwa'. This goes both to its meaning and also to the role fatwas fulfil for Muslims, whether in Australia or in other parts of the world. This paper seeks... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesIslam in Australia
Cultural diversity is the norm in Australia and the United Kingdom. Both states celebrate multiculturalism. But some populist politicians, commentators, and quasi-academics have recently portrayed Western Muslims as a “fifth column”,... more
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      MulticulturalismTerrorismIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic Studies
This paper analyses data from 25 qualitative interviews to explore the relationship between religion, gender and sexuality for Turkish-Australian women aged 18-26. It argues that the hijab (headscarf) symbolises an idealised Muslim... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionGender StudiesGender and Sexuality
Waleed Aly is arguably the most visible and vocal Australian public intellectual from a non-Anglo-Australian background. The ubiquitous Aly is a veritable Renaissance man--he is a television presenter, radio host, academic and rock... more
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      Celebrity CultureIslam in AustraliaPublic IntellectualsJournalism And Mass communication
Across Europe, multiculturalism has been said to have ‘failed’ because it creates ‘ghettoes’ of Muslims that are actively undermining democratic principles. Hostility to state policies of multiculturalism and Muslim settlement are... more
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      MulticulturalismRace and RacismIdentity (Culture)Islamic Studies
First PhD Master Class The Study of Islam and Muslim Societies School of Social Sciences and Psychology Western Sydney University Parramatta South Campus 2 October 2019 Convenor and Organiser Dr. Pedram Khosronejad (Religion and... more
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      Islamic LawTerrorismIndonesian StudiesIranian Studies
This report provides a sociological analysis of the settlement and support services available to Muslim migrants living in the suburbs of Greater Adelaide, in the state of South Australia. In particular, we seek to learn how existing... more
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      SociologyCommunity DevelopmentSocial CapitalAustralia
2014 CILIS Islamic Studies Postgraduate Conference Role of Islamic study circles in shaping the identity of Australian Muslim youth. This presentation will report a study on role of Islamic study circles (Halaqas) in shaping the identity... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic StudiesMuslim MinoritiesIslam in Australia
Drawing on qualitative data from interviews with twelve queer Muslims in Australia, this article analyses the ongoing struggle for queer Muslim recognition within the context of the so-called 'Clash of Civilisations'. Analysing the... more
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      Sociology of ReligionReligion and PoliticsReligion and SexualityGender and Sexuality
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      Islamic LawVisual StudiesSpatial PracticesVisual Culture
This article investigates the role religiosity plays in the ways young Australian Muslims enact themselves as citizens in a context in which their right to belong to the political community is often seriously questioned. Australian... more
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      MulticulturalismAustralian multiculturalismSociology of islamYouth Work
This paper investigates how Islamic doctrine conceives the place of work by outlining the notion of an Islamic work ethic and by discussing a number of human resource issues in relation to Islam. Knowledge of these issues has become an... more
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      Islam in AustraliaIslamIslamic ethics in the work commitmentHuman Resources Management in Managing Diversity and Cultural Differences in Global Organizations
This article presents the findings of a national survey on Islam in Australia based on responses of 1034 Muslim Australian citizens and permanent residents. Knowing what Muslim Australians think about Islam in relation to Australian... more
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      ReligionReligious EducationReligious EthicsAustralia
This article presents the findings of a national survey on Islam in Australia based on responses of 1034 Muslim Australian citizens and permanent residents. Knowing what Muslim Australians think about Islam in relation to Australian... more
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      ReligionReligious EducationReligious EthicsAustralia
The most recent national Census demonstrated that Australian Muslims continue to occupy a socioeconomically disadvantaged position. On key indicators of unemployment rate, income, type of occupation and home ownership, Muslims... more
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      MulticulturalismIslam in AustraliaIslam in the West
PhD master class on the Study of Islam and Muslim Societies with special interest on contemporary Iran and the Persianate Societies
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      Middle East StudiesIranian StudiesIslamic StudiesIslam in Australia
Over the past decade, issues concerning Islam and Muslims have featured prominently in public and media discourse. Much of this discourse is stereotypical, anecdotal and often unsubstantiated. Indeed, relative to the extent of comment on... more
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    • Islam in Australia
The Australian Government has tried to counter the threat of Islamic extremism by investing in mentoring and educational initiatives. Fearful of the potential for "home-grown" extremism, especially after the July 2005 London attacks, the... more
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      SociologyAustraliaIslam in AustraliaInvesting
This article presents the findings of a national survey on Islam in Australia based on responses of 1034 Muslim Australian citizens and permanent residents. Knowing what Muslim Australians think about Islam in relation to Australian... more
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      ReligionReligious EducationReligious EthicsAustralia
İbrahim Dellal (1932-2018) has been a community activist and played a pioneering role in establishing religious and educational institutions since his arrival in Melbourne in early 1950. As the grandson of late Ottoman Mufti, being... more
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      Islam in AustraliaTurkish immigrantsMuslims in Australia
Tulisan ini berjudul "Pulang ke Rumah" untuk mengekspresikan konsep "rumah" bagi Muslim yang berdiaspora di dunia Barat. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian etnografis mengenai salah satu representasi lingkungan Muslim di Barat (Australia) dan... more
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      Multiple ModernitiesIslam in AustraliaAustralian MuslimsIslam in the West
Over the past decade, issues concerning Islam and Muslims have featured prominently in public and media discourse. Much of this discourse is stereotypical, anecdotal and often unsubstantiated. Indeed, relative to the extent of comment on... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySociology of Culture
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      MulticulturalismNationalismIslam in EuropeIslam in Australia
Cocos Islands and Indonesia
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      MusicGender StudiesMedia StudiesLiterature