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Advancements made in the field of materials have contributed in a major way in building gas turbine engines with higher power ratings and efficiency levels. Improvements in design of the gas turbine engines over the years have importantly... more
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      MaterialsHot CorrosionInter metalsSuper Alloys
Advancements made in the field of materials have contributed in a major way in building gas turbine engines with higher power ratings and efficiency levels. Improvements in design of the gas turbine engines over the years have importantly... more
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      Materials ScienceInter metalsSuper AlloysTemperature Coatings
Methanesulfonic acid ͑MSA͒ is an alternative to sulfuric acid electrolyte for metal deposition. The electrochemical nucleation and growth of Cu on a glassy carbon electrode in methanesulfonate was compared with sulfate baths. The... more
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      Materials EngineeringVLSI InterconnectsMEMS design: Sensors and ActuatorsElectromigration in copper interconnect
Methanesulfonic acid ͑MSA͒ is an alternative to sulfuric acid electrolyte for metal deposition. The electrochemical nucleation and growth of Cu on a glassy carbon electrode in methanesulfonate was compared with sulfate baths. The... more
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      VLSI InterconnectsMEMS design: Sensors and ActuatorsElectromigration in copper interconnectInter metals
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceDiffusionVLSI Interconnects