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      South Asian StudiesPakistanHistory of AfghanistanTaliban
"Polish Eagles over Himalaya"-the book about Polish Airmen who had helped to establish Royal Pakistan Air Force since 1947
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      Polish HistoryPakistanPolish StudiesPoland
Sandy Gall’s biography of Ahmad Shah Massoud arrived in bookshops just as the humiliating events of August 2021 unfolded. It was Massoud’s assassination by Al Qa'ida just two days before 9/11which deprived Afghanistan of its most skilful... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Peace and Conflict StudiesTerrorism
The March 2020 massacre of Sikh worshippers at a gurdwara in Kabul, Afghanistan sent shockwaves through the global Sikh community. When the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claimed credit, they said their motive was revenge for... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisTerrorismAfghanistanPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Chapters 1- Today’s Idiotic Humans fully justify Every Evil Plan Providing for World Depopulation 2- Basics on Afghanistan, Tajik (or Dari) and the Pashtuns A- Afghanistan: a Fake Country B- Pashtuns, a Fake Nation, and the Anglo-Saxon... more
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      Iranian StudiesAfghanistanColonialismPakistan
US was rapidly withdrawing its troops and simultaneously the Taliban was reaching out to all the commanders to handover weapons in exchange of money and safe passage.
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      AfghanistanPolitical Violence and TerrorismHistory of AfghanistanTaliban
"Pakistan-Afghanistan. Troubled neighbourhood". The book about Af-Pak relations 1947-2003. An effort of my research in Pakistan in 2003.
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      AfghanistanPakistanHistory of AfghanistanAfghanistan's history
The Afghan Taliban have grown stronger and more deadly over the past 13 years, something Pakistan is often blamed for by Afghans and some in the international community. Thus, Pakistan is seen as the key player in bringing the Taliban... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismAfghanistanSouth Asia
Das rasche Wiedererstarken der Taliban hat die Öffentlichkeit weltweit überrascht. Was die Kernelemente der Taliban Ideologie sind, wie diese mit der DeobandiBewegung zusammenhängt und was das für Frauenrechte bedeutet erörtert Dr. Thomas... more
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      AfghanistanPakistanTalibanAfghanistan Society and Politics
Afghanistan is an important state approximately situated in Central Asia. Afghanistan has its borders in the east and south with Pakistan and uses the sea route via Pakistan. Afghanistan has been suffering from war since the 1970s. After... more
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      AfghanistanIndo-Pak-AfghanAfghan Peace Process
Afghanistan's strategic and economic importance hits the world actors. India's active involvement is quite realistic. India took the better part of the last decade in getting over her strategic timidity to assume a more assertive security... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceIndo-Pak-Afghan
Afghanistan in 2019 was characterised by the Presidential elections, held on 28 September, and whose results were announced at the end of December 2019, and by the peace talks between the US and the Taliban. Against such backdrop, the... more
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      AfghanistanU.S. Foreign PolicyAfghanistan Society and PoliticsChina and Western Asia (Afghanistan
Die Zwangsehe, die nach dem 11. September 2001 in den Trümmern der Zwillingstürme des World Trade Center zwischen den USA und Pakistans Militärdiktator Musharraf geschmiedet wurde, vermochte den geopolitischen Fluch, der sie von Anfang an... more
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      AfghanistanPakistanChinaIslam and the West
Historically, Kabul has had many different motives for engaging with Pakistani Pashtuns.
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      Cold WarAfghanistanPakistanPashtun nationalism
While Afghan talks at Doha are proceeding at a snail’s pace, yet there is a possibility of peace in the war-ravaged country. India must not lose any opportunity to consolidate upon the good work it has so far done in Afghanistan.
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      AfghanistanIndo-Pakistani relationsAfghanistan Society and PoliticsIndian foreign policy
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      EthicsPoetryAfghanistanIslamic Studies
Afghanistan and India has been emerged as close affiliates after the Incumbent Karzai regime. She has helped Afghanistan in infrastructural development, institutionalizing capacity building, small development projects, assistance in food... more
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      TalibanIndo-Pak-AfghanIndo Afghan Strategic Pact Implication for Pakistan
Pakistan after the withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan. Prospects and threats. The major goal of the article is to present political and economic effects of NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan for neighboring Pakistan. In vital... more
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      AfghanistanPakistanHistory of PakistanAfghanistan Society and Politics
The crown jewel of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) increasingly looks like a powder keg that has exploded.
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      AfghanistanPakistanChinaChina Going Global If Afghanistan were to descend into civil war, President Ghani, of course, will have to share part of the blame, but only for his failure to master... more
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      AfghanistanAmerican Foreign PolicyArmed ConflictNortheast India
Pakistan’s long history of undermining Afghan and Pashtun nationalism and promoting pan-Islamism instead.
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      PakistanContemporary ChinaChina's foreign policyPakistan Afghan policy
Po upadku rządu prezydenta Aszrafa Ghaniego w sierpniu 2021 r. w Afganistanie wydawało się, że głównym zwycięzcą nowego rozdania politycznego został Pakistan. Wraz z powołaniem tymczasowego rządu przez talibów ważne stanowiska zajęli... more
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      AfghanistanPakistanTalibanPakistan's Foreign Policy
The Islamic State was hoping for a smooth establishment and extraordinary gains in the Khorasan region. The presence of US forces in Afghanistan and Operation Zarb-e-Azb by the strong military of Pakistan did not allow it to happen. The... more
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      International RelationsAfghanistanPakistanDemocracy and Good Governance
The US Government has again blamed Pakistan for providing safe havens to the Afghan Taliban and Haqqani Network and suspended financial assistance to Pakistan till Pakistan takes what the US considers decisive action against the militant... more
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      South Asian StudiesAfghanistanSouth AsiaAncient Afghanistan and Pakistan
In June 2017, Indian soldiers in Sikkim took Chinese border guards completely by surprise when they crossed into Bhutan and physically blocked the Chinese road construction crew from extending a track into disputed territory. Eventually,... more
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      International RelationsChinese StudiesSinologyIndian studies
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
Kabul and Islamabad have long requested China help them settle their differences. But to no avail. However, during National Unity Goverment (2014-2019), Beijing is willing to play a role.
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      AfghanistanPakistanChinaChina's foreign policy
International and Regional Politics impacting South Asia
Matthew A. Cook, Zia Mian, Najmuddin Shaikh, and Asad Sayeed
Moderator: Huma Baqai
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      South Asian StudiesSouth AsiaPakistanPakistan Studies
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      South AsiaIndia's Foreign PolicyIndo-Pak-Afghan