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7. Auflage mit neuem Vorwort von Franz Obermeier und Wolfgang Schiffner. Stadens Werk war nicht nur wegen des Berichts über ein in Europa weitgehend unbekanntes Land von großem Einfluss. Denn abgesehen von wenigen Nachrichten in den... more
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      IconographyTravel WritingBrazilian StudiesBrazilian History
In my Masters thesis of 2011 I compare two works of captivity literature that emerged from the detention of Lincolnshire ship's blacksmith John R. Jewitt by the Nuu-Chah-Nulth First Nation of Vancouver Island for two years in the early... more
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      Travel WritingNineteenth Century Studies19th-Century American LiteratureIndian Captivity Narratives
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      TattoosTattooing and body modificationIndian Captivity Narratives
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      Women's HistoryWomen's IssuesTattoosTattooing and body modification
This book is a collection of the known primary source documents relating to the Jacob Hochstetler family during the French and Indian War years, 1757-1765. This span of years begins with the year of the attack on the Hochstetler family... more
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      French and Indian WarIndian Captivity Narratives
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      American LiteratureWomen's StudiesAutobiographyEarly American Literature
This dissertation investigates the multiple contexts and processes that shape the phenomenon of European Indianism, with particular attention to Eastern Europe and Russia. It critically reexamines several areas of scholarship that have... more
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      American HistoryEastern European StudiesAmerican StudiesTransculturation
Référence électronique Giovanna Fiume, « Lettres de Barbarie : esclavage et rachat de captifs siciliens (xvie-xviiie siècle) », Cahiers de la Méditerranée [En ligne], 87 | 2013, mis en ligne le 15 juin 2014, consulté le 30 septembre 2016.... more
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      Early Modern CaptivitySlaveryHistory of SlaveryReligious Conversion and Converts in the Early Modern Mediterranean context
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of CultureMedia and Cultural Studies
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      ReligionComparative LawSex and GenderTheology
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      American StudiesPuritanismIndian Captivity Narratives
Gothic horror arrived in America in the latter half of the eighteenth century as one of many imports – literary and cultural – from England during this period of intense transatlantic circulation. As an experimental and often... more
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      American LiteratureGothic LiteratureNathaniel HawthorneEdgar Allan Poe
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      Gothic LiteratureColonial and Early American Literature, History, and CultureIndian Captivity Narratives
Alexis de Tocqueville was critical of the destructive implications of American expansion and this sentiment is articulated most forcefully in his essay “A Fortnight in the Wilderness” written in 1831 during his American travels to... more
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      HistoryEthnohistoryNative American StudiesCanadian Studies
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      Native American StudiesColonial AmericaEarly Modern CaptivityWar of the Spanish Succession
We thank the Population Association of America for providing funding to attend the PAA 2010 annual meeting where an early version of this paper was presented. We also thank Sunita Kishor, ICF International, for her valuable suggestions... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologySociology of ReligionDemography
Este texto presenta y compara diferentes relatos sobre blancos “hechos indios” en el Chaco boliviano de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Algunos son casos históricos, otros provienen de la ficción. Los diversos autores censuran los casos... more
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      EthnohistoryAnthropologySocial RepresentationsEtnohistoria
Page 1. Captivating Eunice Membership, Colonialism, and Gendered Citizenships of Grief Au ara Simpson My youngest Daughter, aged Seven years, was carryed all the journey, & look'd after with a great deal of... more
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      Kahnawake Mohawk TerritoryIndian Captivity NarrativesPolitical membership
The literature of captivity, slavery and imprisonment is central to early American literature. Puritans and Africans, revolutionaries and seamen, women and men – all wrote narratives of their capture and the duress of life without... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesEnglish LiteratureLiterature
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      American LiteraturePsychoanalysisGender StudiesEthics
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      Women's HistoryMigration StudiesInternal migrationWomen's Issues
“Fictions of Oppression: The Captivity Narrative as
Political Tool.” This Land is My Land”: Reclaiming
Spaces and Narratives English Graduate Student
Conference, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. 7-9 Mar
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      Native American StudiesEarly American LiteratureIndian Captivity NarrativesJ.K. Rowling
The Rural Gothic in American Popular Culture: Backwoods Horror and Terror in the Wilderness argues that the complex and often negative initial responses which early European settlers expressed towards the North American wilderness exerted... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesHorror FilmGothic Literature
Goodness of God..., [6] has been viewed by critics and historians as the model and archetypal example of the Indian captivity narrative. Kathyrn Derounian-Stoloda characterizes the Indian captivity narrative as "a discrete American... more
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      American LiteratureNative American StudiesEarly Modern CaptivityGilles Deleuze
Early American captivity narratives were popular reading throughout the latter 17th through early 19th centuries. This course ranges from the 18th to 20th centuries. Our readings include a late 17th-century narrative of a Massachusetts... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesWomen's History
The book radically rethinks the theoretical parameters through which we interpret both current and past ideas of adoption, captivity, and slavery among Native American societies in an interdisciplinary perspective. The book covers a... more
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      HistoryNative American StudiesSlaveryHistory of Slavery
In Oxford Bibliographies in American Literature. Eds. Jackson Bryer, Richard Kopley, and Paul Lauter. New York: Oxford University Press
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      American LiteratureTransnational American StudiesIndian Captivity NarrativesCaptivity Narratives
This essay argues that mainstream, familiar concepts of a bordered South and a recognizable southernness, however permeable and flexible, are mostly dysfunctional when it comes to American Indian literatures. "Native southern ground" can... more
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      Southern LiteratureNative American StudiesSouthern Studies (U.S. South)Native American Literature (Literature)
While working on texts that relate to the so-called Frog Lake Massacre in 1885 in what is now Alberta, I was struck by similarities with acccounts of the Minnesota Massacres during the Dakota Wars, especially a text by Sarah Wakefiled in... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous PeoplesIndian Captivity Narratives
Graduate Student Textual Studies Symposium. Chicago, IL. September 2011 Victoria Bolf "You Are What You Read? Editing A Narrative of the Life of Mary Jemison" Americans have a long and enduring fascination with captivity narratives.... more
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      LiteratureTextual CriticismEarly American LiteratureIndian Captivity Narratives
(preview; open access full text on journal website) "Gender Iconoclasm and Aesthetics in Esteban Echeverría’s La cautiva and the Captivity Paintings of Juan Manuel Blanes."[Excerpt: article available on Decimonónica website.]... more
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      Argentine Literature19th Century Latin American Art HistoryArgentine HistoryEsteban Echeverría
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      Women's HistoryGender HistoryFilm HistoryPrisoners of War
The book radically rethinks the theoretical parameters through which we interpret both current and past ideas of adoption, captivity, and slavery among Native American societies in an interdisciplinary perspective. The book covers a... more
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      Native American StudiesWomen's HistorySlaveryHistory of Slavery
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      Native American StudiesNew England (History)Indian Captivity Narratives