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Angelwing clam (Pholas orientalis) hydrolysate was prepared by hydrolysis using bromelain. The hydrolysate named as bromelain hydrolysate (BH) was then treated with β-cyclodextrin in the ratio of 1:0.8 (v/w) by physical mixing and... more
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      Protein-protein interactionsCharacterizationPROTEIN ANALYSISHydrophobic amino acid
Angelwing clam (Pholas orientalis) hydrolysate was prepared by hydrolysis using bromelain. The hydrolysate named as bromelain hydrolysate (BH) was then treated with β-cyclodextrin in the ratio of 1:0.8 (v/w) by physical mixing and... more
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      ChemistryFood ScienceFoodProtein-protein interactions
pH-responsive polymers have been synthesised by grafting L-valine (PV-75), L-leucine (PL-75) and L-phenylalanine (PP-75) onto the pendant carboxylic acid moieties of a pseudo-peptide, poly(Llysine iso-phthalamide), at a stoichiometric... more
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      BiomaterialsDrug deliveryConfocal MicroscopyPolymers