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The article shows the burning practices used by native northern hunters-gatherers and reindeer herders of Western Siberia as a potential factor of impact on surrounding landscapes. In this sense, the research focuses primarily on aspects... more
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      Indigenous StudiesEthnoarchaeologyFire EcologyIndigenous Knowledge
The Knuckles Mountain Forest Range (KMFR) has a complex mosaic of natural and human modified habitats and the contribution of these habitats to the biological and functional diversities has not been deeply studied. Present study... more
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      AvifaunaBiological DiversityFunctional diversityHuman-modified landscapes
SUMMARY: Lecture 5 examines the Neolithic period in the Aegean, looking at the end of the Ice Age, transition to the Neolithic, and emergence of the Neolithic in the Aegean (including the settlement of some Aegean islands, such as Crete,... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
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      EthnoarchaeologyEcological AnthropologyFire EcologyCultural Landscapes
Resumo. A apresentação de Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) é obrigatória em processos de licenciamento ambiental de diversos empreendimentos e para atividades consideradas potencialmente causadoras de significativa degradação ao meio... more
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      Environmental ManagementMammalsGestão AmbientalMamíferos
The paper reveals the main directions and key features of the indigenous landscape management in the northern part of Western Siberia. This transformation activity has included controlled burning, changing hydrology, tree girdling and... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyCultural LandscapesIndigenous KnowledgeCultural Ecology
Landscape archaeology has been one of the most prominent fields where post-processual approaches, such as phenomenology, have been applied to. Unsurprisingly, however, these have been more directed towards the study of prehistoric... more
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      Cultural GeographyClassical ArchaeologyEthicsCommunication
Ethnographic accounts document widespread use of low-intensity surface fires by California's Native Americans to manage terrestrial resources, yet the effects of such practices on forest composition and structure remain largely... more
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      Landscape modellingQuaternary paleoecologyHuman Use of FireSierra Nevada California
The article highlights the main motifs and forms of human impact on the landscape of the indigenous peoples of the North of Russia. I especially focus on hydraulic earthworks which regarded as one of the most important forms of human... more
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      Indigenous StudiesEthnoarchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyEcological Anthropology
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      Conservation BiologyForest FragmentationFragmentação florestalHuman-modified landscapes
In archaeological literature, there are diverse and even contradictory uses of “anthropogenic,” a word appropriated from environmental studies and a term increasingly used in the last 15 years as a sort of conceptual duct-tape for... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyCultural Resource Management (Archaeology)PhytosociologyHistorical Ecology