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I am almost confident that most of you would not open the door to a Syrian refugee if you have the slightest doubt that this person could harm you in any way. I am also confident that this doubt and fear could be explained and dissolved... more
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      Refugee StudiesIntergroup RelationsSyrian StudiesGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
В сборнике рассматриваются этномиграционные и диаспоральные процессы в монгольском мире, включающем в себя как огромные территории «исконного» расселения монгольских народов, так и более широкое географическое пространство, вовлеченное в... more
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      AnthropologyEthnographyDiasporasSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Tourism is the main economic activity in many towns in the province of Alicante in southeast Spain and has turned this area into a paradigmatic example of mass tourism on the Mediterranean coast. Since the 1960s, the province's coastal... more
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      AuthenticityHost society
Tourism is considered as the best instrument for cultural development in many countries and it may cause cultural changes in the host society. In fact, tourism in nature is a cultural affair around which many cultural effects are formed,... more
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      TourismHost society
There has been a vast amount of research on the changes experienced by immigrants, but little is known about the changes experienced by host individuals. This article focuses on the role of host individuals in the networks of relations... more
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      AcculturationImmigrantsPersonal networksHost society