Hoard finds
Recent papers in Hoard finds
Die Schloßsammlung Rotenturm an der Pinka, bestehend aus archäologischen Funden, Antiquitäten, Möbeln, Aquarellen und Gemälden, wurde hauptsächlich von Graf Stephan (Istvän) Erdödy (1813-1896), dem Erbauer des ,,Neuen Schlosses",... more
The aim of this master thesis is a comprehensive assessment of the issue of formation and hiding hoards in the Roman period in the selected area of the Central Barbaricum, which includes the territory of Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia and... more
Vegerių kaime (akmenės r., iki 1921 m. priklausė Žagarės valsčiui; 1 pav.), apie 30-40 m į pietus-pietryčius nuo 1944 m. sudegusios medinės baž-nyčios (statyta 1766 m.), aptikti du rusijos imperijos monetų lobiai. Jų likimas nežinomas,... more
While stone casting moulds have been widely used to inform the study of prehistoric metalworking techniques, the fact that many have been deposited in hoards that include only this kind of object has often been overlooked. Such hoards... more
A metalwork hoard dated to the Wilburton phase of the later Bronze Age, found at Barway close to the Isle of Ely in the Cambridgeshire Fens, is reported. Consideration of the hoard, in the context of later prehistoric hoarding in the... more
Новая книга кандидата исторических наук, ведущего научного сотрудника сектора нумизматики Национального музея истории Украины – Андрея Бойко-Гагарина «ФАЛЬШИВОМОНЕТНИЧЕСТВО В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ И ВОСТОЧНОЙ ЕВРОПЕ В ЭПОХУ СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЯ И... more
Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Als... more
Homérosz kilétét, tevékenységét harmadfélezer éve vitatják és csodálják mûveinek olvasói. A tudományos világ – számos szakterületen – ma is kutatja. Elemzi, párhuzamként, magyarázatként használja eposzait, vizsgálja a mû születésének... more
Iron Age tankards are stave-built wooden vessels completely covered or bound in copper-alloy sheet. The distinctive copper-alloy handles of these vessels frequently display intricate ‘Celtic’ or La Tène art styles. They are characterised... more
Unwrapping the Galloway Hoard is a three-year UK Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) project (2021- 2024) which aims to challenge current understanding of the process of hoarding through an interdisciplinary study of one of the... more
"In this article is presented a proposal of seriation of bronze artifacts votive groups and hoards from Nuragic Sardinia, on the basis of statistic-combinatory analysis, in a chronological span between Recent Bronze Age and Early Iron... more
This paper is the presentation of the results of the Euregio-Project "Hochalpine Archäologie in den Ötztaler Alpen). The archeological survey in this alpine region brought to the light many findings and sites from different ages, from the... more
- by hanns oberrauch
- Studies on worship, Hoard finds, Copper age, European Copper and Bronze Age – Archaeometallurgy – Prehistoric Metalworking in Social Context – Settlement Archaeology – Application of Geophysical Methods in Archaeology – Neolithic – Theory / Cultural Anthropology – Material Culture Studies
The legacy of the Late Bronze Age communities populating the Carpathian Basin between the fourteenth and tenth centuries BC represents the perhaps most colourful and numerous range of artefacts before the Roman conquest. These peoples... more
In 2007, a private person found a hoard of gold and silver while excavating a pond on his own property in the Wiener Neustadt urban area (Lower Austria). According to the finder, the objects were squashed together in a clod of earth,... more
version 22/2024 (last update: September 17th, 2024). This document is the result of a collaboration of several authors. Thus, the homogeneity and the correctness of its contents cannot be guaranteed by the editor. To correct errors,... more
version 22/2024 (last update: September 17th, 2024). This document is the result of a collaboration of several authors. Thus, the homogeneity and the correctness of its contents cannot be guaranteed by the editor. To correct errors,... more
A Kárpátmedence területén a rómaiak megjelenése előtt a Krisztus előtti 14. és 10. század között élt késő bronzkori emberek hagyták hátra a legtöbb és legváltozatosabb emlékanyagot. Ők voltak azok is, akik halom sírjaikkal és... more
version 22/2024 (last update: September 17th, 2024). This document is the result of a collaboration of several authors. Thus, the homogeneity and the correctness of its contents cannot be guaranteed by the editor. To correct errors,... more
The present book which has just made its way to you did so for a reason. It is because books, just like any other objects, have their own soul and their own history that have to be respected, and they will stay only with such persons who... more
In this article, numismatic material from the southern part of Pella, south of the city’s north wall of the Classical period is presented. This material is very representative, because it derives from the city of both Classical and... more
Preliminary report about the largest early Bronze Age rib ingot hoard in Europe.
This article presents a small hoard group from the Troad which appeared on the London market in February 2016. The hoard group can be dated to the mid-350s when Memnon and Mentor of Rhodes were ruling the Troad on behalf of the Persian... more
Arms and armour are among the most common votive offerings in Greek sanctuaries from the second half of the 8th to the 5th centuries B.C. Most of these weapons were captured in wars from Greeks by Greeks, and dedicated to the gods as... more
The Wiener Neustadt hoard was found in 2007 by a private individual in a garden in today’s municipal area and entrusted to the Federal Department for the Protection of Monuments in 2010. The hoard was deposited near the intersection of... more
The discovery of twelve denarii found individually between 1985 and 1991 at New Fordey Farm, Barway, Soham in Cambridgeshire complements finds of aurei and denarrii at the same location reported in 1958, 1979, 1981 and 1984. The presence... more
Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Als... more
Fremde Votivgaben prägten in starkem Maße das Erscheinungsbild bedeutender griechischer Heiligtümer. Sie bezeugen weitreichende Kontakte und die Interaktion der Griechen mit fremden Regionen und Völkerschaften der mediterranen Welt,... more