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      Gender StudiesHistory of MedicineHistory of the land of Israel
Hallel. Carmel. Bezalel The Exhibitions: Halel. Carmel Winery 'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel School These two exhibitions: "Halel. Carmel Winery" and "'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel... more
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      BusinessArt HistoryJewish StudiesDesign
עליית תלמידי הגר"א מתוארת בדרך כלל כביכול לפתע פתאום חלה התעוררות לעלייה דווקא בקרב חוג תלמידי הגר"א וההולכים בדרכו, התעוררות פתאומית המצביעה לכאורה על התארגנות העומדת מאחורי התעוררות זו, כשהעלייה עצמה מתוארת כמי שהתחוללה ב-3 שיירות עולים... more
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      Jewish HistoryAshkenazic JudaismReligious ZionismOttoman History of Palestine
Fragment of the monumental lion frieze of the baris of Hyrcanus the Tobiad at 'Iraq al-'Amir, Jordan (first quarter of the second century BCE). Photograph by David M. Jacobson.
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      Biblical StudiesRoman IconographyAncient Greek Numismatics1 Maccabees
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      Hellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of IsraelLand of Israel StudiesJerusalem• The history and Archaeology of the Bar-Kokhba Revolt.
Inheritance in the New Testament deals with the use of the Greek Word "klhronomos" and "klhronomia".
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    • History of the land of Israel
‫רבין‬ ‫לרצח‬ ‫ועד‬ 96 ‫רבין‬ ‫לרצח‬ ‫עד‬ ‫אוסלו‬ ‫בתהליך‬ ‫הציבורי‬ ‫המאבק‬ ‫א.‬ 110 ‫אוסלו‬ ‫תהליך‬ ‫רקע‬ ‫על‬ ‫ערבים‬ ‫כלפי‬ ‫אלימות‬ ‫ידי‬ ‫על‬ ‫אי-ציות‬ ‫ב.‬ 114 ‫אוסלו‬ ‫הסכמי‬ ‫בתקופת‬ ‫לאי-ציות‬ ‫מובילים‬ ‫רבנים‬ ‫של‬ ‫קריאה‬ ‫ג.‬... more
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      Problem of Religious AuthoritySocial NormsIsraelReligious Zionism
Contents Preface pp. ix-xii Introduction: The Imagined Decline of Kabbalah pp. 1-17 Chapter One: The Kabbalistic Yeshivot of Jerusalem pp. 19-73 Chapter Two: Searching for the Lost Tribes pp. 74-108 Chapter Three: The... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsNew Religious MovementsNew Religious Movements
The Word ‘Euphrates’ used in most translations of the Old Testament, stems from the Hebrew ‘perath’ meaning ‘to break forth’ or ‘rushing’ . This paper examines the context of the Biblical verses in which the name is used and shows that,... more
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      Israel StudiesArchaeology of Ancient IsraelIsrael/PalestineBiblical Studies
What are the names given to the Land of Israel over the millennia? Who or which entity used which name? At first called Canaan or part of Canaan, it is called Land of Israel in Jewish tradition, and was called Judea by Greeks and Romans,... more
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      Middle Eastern HistoryHistory of the land of Israel
At the siege of Lachish in 701 BCE, the Assyrian king Sennacherib is depicted sitting on a majestic throne. Has any king ever entered a military campaign and brought his throne with him? This article gives an opinion of where did this... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryBiblical StudiesBible
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      Jewish PhilosophyHellenismHellenistic JudaismHistory of the land of Israel
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      AsceticismJewish MysticismHistory of SexualityEschatology and Apocalypticism
In Daniel M. Master (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology vol. I, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, 139-146.
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      Historical GeographyBiblical StudiesBiblical ArchaeologyHebrew Bible and Ancient Near East
This article sheds some new light on the affair of the Pan Crescent and the Pan York, the largest ships to carry 'illegal' Jewish immigrants to Palestine from Bulgaria in 1947 / 1948. These ageing vessels were apprehended by the British... more
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      History of CyprusHistory of the land of IsraelIllegal Immigration
בשלהי 1881 הקימו חבורות של יהודים, ברוסיה וברומניה, אגודות בעלות מצע לאומי, ששמו להן מטרה נאצלת להציל את החברה היהודית מִכְּליה. האגודות שהוקמו באורח ספונטני, הפכו עם הזמן לתנועה לאומית ממוסדת שכונתה על ידי חבריה בשם "חיבת ציון" ובתקופה... more
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      History of Palestine and IsraelHistory of ZionismHistory of the land of IsraelHistory of Israel
In this paper, I will argue that one of the causes that ended the Israelite monarchy, idolatry, is tied to the possession of the land and its warnings of exile to Israel’s leadership. I will do so by examining the key representative... more
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      History of the land of Israel2 Kings
The Earth and the Land are investigated in the primeval history and in the history of the covenant fathers. Subsequently, in relation to this, the following is researched: the relation between the garden of Eden, the land of Canaan and... more
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      Land of Israel StudiesGenesisHistory of the land of Israel
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelHellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of IsraelJosephusRoman Judea, Jewish History, Early Rabbinic Literature
Boaz Zissu, ‘The Ossuary of “Imma, Daughter of Hanania”, and the Second Temple Period Jewish Settlement at Sokho, Judaean Foothills’, in A. Faust – E. Baruch (eds), New Studies on Jerusalem: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference, Ramat-Gan,... more
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      Second Temple JudaismJudaismHellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of IsraelLand of Israel Studies
in Daniel M. Master (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology vol. II, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, 42-46.
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      Historical GeographyHistorical ArchaeologyBiblical StudiesBiblical Archaeology