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Сталинградская битва стала заметным фактом общественно-политической жизни Великобритании и США, одновременно явившись истоком многих перемен во внешнеполитической и социальной программе союзных государств. Соответствующая интерпретация... more
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      History of ReligionRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian HistoryHistory of the II World War
The German invasion of the Netherlands on the 10th of May 1940 was not only a tragedy for the Dutch people; it was also a tragedy for Dutch literature. In a few weeks time, the intellectual leaders of an entire generation would disappear.... more
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      Jewish StudiesPropagandaWar StudiesFascism
The Dictionary of the Polish Language defines “euthanasia” as “causing death of a terminally ill person in an act of compassion”. The entry differentiates between passive euthanasia, which denotes “discontinuation of life-sustaining... more
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      BiopoliticsMemoryHistory of the II World War
The preparation of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the war in 1939
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      Diplomatic HistoryConsular networksPolish Interwar HistoryPolish Foreign Policy
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      Military HistoryArtilleryHistory of the II World War
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      History of international organizationsHistory of the II World War
Boris Sokołow, "Rokossowski", przeł. Andrzej Palacz, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 2014, ss. 512.
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      Military HistoryBiographyHistory of the USSRHistory of the II World War
This article is an attempt to outline the issue of helping, rescuing, and caring for children in Poland in the war and occupation period (1939-1945). The aim of the text is to cover the following areas: individual trauma, population... more
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      History of Childhood and YouthHistory of Social WelfareSocial PedagogyHuman Services & Social Work
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      Narrative PsychologyHistory of the II World War
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      Military HistoryArtilleryHistory of the II World War
The paper analyzes the features of divisional artillery between the world wars and during the Second World War in Germany, USA and UK. The main artillery systems divisional level established in these countries are described. Study leading... more
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      Military HistoryHistory of the II World WarHistory of Artillery
Een boek dat meer verdient Soms verdient een historische studie meer dan een moeilijk voor het geïnteresseerde publiek te vinden uitgave in semi eigen beheer en dat geldt zeker voor het boek Dordrecht, Stockholm, Londen, waarin Dick... more
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      Maritime HistoryLocal HistoryHistory of the II World War
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      Military HistoryArtilleryHistory of the II World War
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      Modern Greek HistoryEcclesiastical HistoryHistory of the II World War
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      Military HistoryRoyal NavyHistory of the II World War
Overview of the own Masterthesis about Monumental Culture of WWI and WWII in the case of Ancona, Italy Published in: Valentina Orioli, "Gilberto Orioli: dall’urbanistica al disegno di dettaglio", (Catalogue of the Exhibition in Cesena,... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureHistory of architectureCultural History of the First World WarHistory of Landscape Architecture
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      Baltic StudiesHistory of the II World War
Hitler lost the war because he depended on pseudoscience.
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    • History of the II World War
The article is an attempt to outline the issue of help, care and lifesaving of the children in Poland in the war and occupation period (1939-1945). This attempt focuses on the following areas: individual trauma, population losses, the... more
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      Human RightsChildren's RightsSocial PedagogyHistory of the II World War
The article analyzes the history of creation and the main characteristics of the German heavy field howitzers. The main focus is on the base model sFH 18. At the same time, attempts have been made to create lightweight variants of heavy... more
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      Military HistoryArtilleryHistory of the II World WarДруга світова війна
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      Military HistoryArtilleryHistory of the II World War