History of European Martial Arts
Recent papers in History of European Martial Arts
This article traces the pictorial lineages of images collected in one of the two Thun-Hohenstein albums through comparative analyses of fight books produced in the German-speaking lands, and considers how the representational strategies... more
The martial arts have been practiced for thousands of years and today mixed martial arts remains the fastest growing sport in the world. I am delighted to invite you to submit your best empirical and theoretical work on martial arts to... more
Draft Schedule for Martial Arts Studies Conference 2016
This thesis explores the the concept of combat sports and games as examples of cultural heritage. More precisely it examines the different processes in which a combat practice becomes a symbol of cultural heritage, or in the opposite... more
Published by Paladin Press in 1999, Techniques of Medieval Armour Reproduction (TOMAR) remained in print until 2017, when Paladin closed their business. A limited number of copies are available at the URL below. Intended for the... more
En el presente trabajo se analizan los datos disponibles sobre la “Esgrima Vulgar” practicada en la Península Ibérica en los siglos XV y XVI, centrándose en su uso civil más que en el militar, y en aspectos administrativos y sociales del... more
Issue two of Martial Arts Studies - Spring 2016
The Titles and Abstracts for the Martial Arts Studies Conference, 10-12 June 2015, Cardiff University, UK.
An updated edition (2015) of my 2014 paper on Commonplace Fencing and how the information of the Combat Systems exhibited in sources from Spain, Italy, England and German share a common structure. A Critical edition produced as part of... more
Abstract: L’argomento di questa tesi nasce dall'esperienza congiunta di rievocazione storica ed archeologia sperimentale che ho maturato con gli anni. Appassionato di rievocazione dal 2007, ho praticato (e continuo tuttora a praticare)... more
Draft paper written for Université Laval Press, to be translated and published in French in due course
The Map which reveals the truth of the martial arts, and starts the journey to Matrixing. This is a real breakthrough for any and every martial artist on the planet.
Dissertation excerpt (introduction, 2011) discussing the historiography of the fighting treatises, the importance of cultural context, and the argument that medieval fighting was sometimes organized into recognizable, systematic martial... more
Conference Handbook for the 5th Annual Martial Arts Studies, May 2019
This booklet shows an interpretation of the martial principle of measure in the I.33. After a general presentation of the oldest fencing manuel, this paper presents an iconographical and textual study. Then, it proposes a practical study... more
First of all, I want to thank you for downloading this fascinating report. You may not know me from Adam, but you took the time to check us out at Martial Arts Weapons and Training. That means more than you can know, and I appreciate the... more
Call for papers for a collection entitled 'The Invention of Martial Arts'
Abstract for the interdisciplinary conference "The Sword - Form and Thought", to be held at Deutsches Klingenmuseum Solingen (German Blade Museum) November 19th-20th, 2015.
States of America. 02 These current rules are valid for members from all states, although consideration can be given to local law, in case the law requires such adjustments. RULE 1 WKA 01 WKA (originally World Karate Association) stands... more
This is a first draft. The paper addresses the question of whether the emergent field of martial arts studies might be regarded as trivial. In doing so, it explores possible rationales and raisons d'être of the field in terms of a... more
Escriba aquí una descripción breve del documento. Normalmente, una descripción breve es un resumen corto del contenido del documento. Escriba aquí una descripción breve del documento. Normalmente, una descripción breve es un resumen corto... more
10 points which define a new 'zen' type of approach to the martial arts. Can be applied to any and all Martial Arts.
A book series that publishes research monographs in the fields of Martial Arts Studies. http://www.rowmaninternational.com/series/martial-arts-studies Series Editor: Paul Bowman (Cardiff University). Author of Martial Arts Studies:... more
The sixteenth-century Collectanea of the condottiero Pietro Monte contains some of the most thorough writings that exist pertaining to the use of staff weapons. A detailed study of how these weapons are categorised, contextualised, and... more
The sixteenth-century Collectanea of the condottiero Pietro Monte contains some of the most thorough writings that exist pertaining to the use of staff weapons. A detailed study of how these weapons are categorised, contextualised, and... more
It has been argued in the historical martial arts community that the British game of Singlestick was so popular around the turn of the 20th century that President Roosevelt himself was a loyal adherent to the practice, and that it was... more
How the martial arts are created in pure, and the process by which they are evolved, which is actual a form of dissolution.
Though well-known as a collector, compiler, and author of fight books, Paulus Hector Mair amassed diverse martial objects. Analysis of his posthumous inventories and sales reveals the objects he owned as artifacts of Augsburg’s martial... more
My own philosophy about replicas of antique edge weapon, why they should exist and how one was made to a special order.
First published on RIF magazine no. 012 (Jan-Feb 2013), general director Michael Fishman.
First published on RIF magazine no. 012 (Jan-Feb 2013), general director Michael Fishman.
How the martial arts are created in pure, and the process by which they are evolved, which is actual a form of dissolution.
The Martial Arts Studies Research Network (mastudiesrn.org) now has a new podcast. The podcast is available in audio only here: https://martialartsstudies.podbean.com/ Episodes can also be viewed as videos on the Martial Arts Studies... more
The following spreadsheets represent a Stemmatological statistical analysis of the Liechtenauer corpus. This paper consists of the output from this activity, the aggregates from which have been used to build a statistically accurate... more
The paper deals with the interpretation of a judicial duel in the law code of the Zips Saxons - Zipser Willkühr. The aim of the paper is to introduce its changed perception, not as a means of proof in ordeals but as a form of retribution... more
"La charla es en español. Comprobaremos qué visión tenían los guerreros de sí mismos, cómo veían a los demás y, sobre todo, cómo veían y vivían el mundo de las armas y el combate individual. ¿cómo se entrenaban? ¿existía un arte marcial... more
"""The issue of the trial of ordeals can be described as quite interesting topic of historical research. However in Slovak historiography there is still a little interest in ordeals, and if authors are discussing them, they generalize... more
Purposes of the conference: introduction into scientific circulation of new sources on the history of arms and armor; development of international scientific cooperation in the studies of military history, history of arts and martial... more