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Katarzyna Matul: Polska szkoła plakatu -od sztuki masowej do dzieła sztuki Aby zrozumieć fenomen polskiej szkoły plakatu, realizmu socjalistycznego, który w większości op wtedy plakaciści zawalczyli o wolność twórczą, a realny wpływ na... more
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      Eastern European StudiesCold War and CultureArt and Aesthetics of the Cold WarArt and Politics
The legacy of colonialism in Australia has resulted in the devaluing and exploitation of Indigenous visual culture, design and representation. Through reinterrogating, revealing and documenting previously unacknowledged or omitted... more
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      Design HistoryIndigenous DesignHistory of Graphic DesignCultural Factors in Design
Materials of the International Scientific conference "Bauhaus and the Art Schools of the Avant-garde Epoch" which took place in Moscow on April 17-19, 2019. Sections include discussions of the Sythesis of Arts, Design Thinking,... more
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      Art HistoryRussian avant-garde artHistory and Theory of Graphic Design
Si pone in rilievo il ruolo di una rivista di disegno industriale, oggi design, nella storia dell'italiano contemporaneo. Fondata dall'architetto Alberto Rosselli nel 1954, la pubblicazione trimestrale e poi bimestrale, «Stile industria»,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDesign
Reading Graphic Design in Cultural Context explains key ways of understanding and interpreting the graphic designs we see all around us, in advertising, branding, packaging and fashion. It situates these designs in their cultural and... more
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      DesignDesign HistoryGraphic DesignGraphic design history
The research deals with the development of graphic design in Slovakia in the circle of selected graduates of the Department of Visual Communication and related actors who participated in the creation of the scene. The aim of the thesis is... more
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      Design HistoryDesign educationGraphic DesignGraphic Designer
Postmodernism has been important in acknowledging many forms of "otherness" that emerge from differences in subjectivity, gender, race, class, temporal, spatial geographic location and dislocation. This has become a topic of interest... more
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      Design HistoryPostcolonial StudiesCultural TheoryGraphic Design
"Freedom is one of the highest values in democratic societies. One may ask if, and in what way, design should be concerned with freedom, particularly in a technologically complex world. (…) The views for an ethics of design that do not... more
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      Graphic DesignDesign TheoryDesign History and TheoryCommunication Design
This book tells the story of critical avant-garde design in Japan, which emerged during the 1960s and continues to inspire designers today. The practice communicates a form of visual and material protest drawing on the ideologies and... more
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      Design HistoryDesign TheoryJapanese DesignHistory and Theory of Graphic Design
An implementation of the visual event in graphic design is aiming less at the profession, but rather at the theory of the profession. It questions the assumption that the task of graphic design is just to make objects, such as books and... more
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      Translation StudiesGraphic DesignGraphics DesignHistory and Theory of Graphic Design
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      Prints (Art History)Prints and DrawingsHistory of PrintmakingHistory of Drawing and Printmaking
Visual Representation of Australia's Peoples and Cultures in a Commonwealth Collection. An exhibition catalogue authored by the exhibition curator, Sarah Schmidt, with guest essay by Professor Marcia Langton. This 2002 exhibition included... more
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      Art HistoryIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesGraphic design history
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      Graphic DesignPolish FilmPostersHistory and Theory of Graphic Design
Petra Černe Oven’s closing keynote presentation will interweave three layers. The first layer will offer a glimpse into the work of influential Slovenian modernist architect, sculptor, and graphic designer Jože Brumen (1930–2000). The... more
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      Design for Social InnovationSustainable DevelopmentGraphic DesignTypography