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The smaller the home, the bigger one must think. Ein gewisses  grosses Denken, according to Tessenow. A high form of thought, a greater force implimented when we have to deal with (apparently) small questions.
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    • Heinrich Tessenow
Unlike many other publications on Nazi culture, this book is not primarily about what has been called "the Nazification of the arts," based upon state-supported use of the arts for propaganda, a curtailment of freedom in art criticism,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryMythologyLandscape Architecture
Der Verein "Settlement", nach englischem Vorbild in der Verbesserung der Lebensumstände des Proletariats engagiert, wurde auf Initiative von Marie Lang und Else Federn 1901 in Wien gegründet und von zahlreichen Familien des Wiener... more
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      ArchitectureFin de siècle ViennaSocial WelfareVienna
Despite being forgotten from the architectural manuals, German architect Heinrich Tessenow (1876-1950) can be considered one of the most insightful interpreters of a collective vision of society, based on the clarity of architectural... more
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      Liquid ModernityIndividualsGarden CitiesHeinrich Tessenow
University Press, zoo4), 276 pp., $zS.qS bb), ISBN o8o+Z+3zZ+. Peter Paret, An Artist against the Third Reich: Ernst Barlaeh, ryy-ry3| (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, zoo3), I9r pp., dz5.oo (hb), ISBN o5zr8zr38X. Frederick Spotts,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryMythologyVisual propaganda
Recent research has drawn fresh attention to a ‘community’ of central European émigrés to New Zealand, escaping the drastic and dangerous political and social change affected by the rise of Nazism and popular anti-Semitism during the... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Holocaust Studies
In the seventeenth century people believed that the world was a theatre; in the eighteenth century this idea was applied to the analysis of the landscape and architecture. Given the renewed interest that this model has sparked in recent... more
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      ScenographyRichard NeutraHeinrich Tessenow
Αναφερόμενοι στον μοντερνισμό και στο κίνημα που αναπτύχθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια του 20 ου αιώνα, θα πρέπει για αρχή να γίνει κατανοητό ότι η αρχιτεκτονική δεν αποτελεί απλώς προϊόν συλλογικής μνήμης ή δράσης αλλά λαμβάνει έναν χρηστικό... more
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      ArchitectureLe CorbusierHeinrich TessenowHellerau
Nel XVII secolo si riteneva che il monde fosse un teatro e nel XVIII secolo questa idea fu applicata all’analisi del paesaggio e dell’architettura. A seguito del rinnovato interesse che questo modello ha suscitato nella recente teoria... more
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      Richard NeutraTeatralidadEscenografíaScenografia
Edito a Berlino nel 1913, L’Architettura della Metropoli di Karl Scheffler rappresenta la sintesi di una serie di riflessioni sui problemi della nuova architettura per la grande città che stava prendendo forma, come nodo e simbolo del... more
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      JugendstilHeinrich TessenowPeter BehrensAlfred Messel
Seit der Einrichtung der „Gedächtnisstätte“ für die im Weltkrieg gefallenen deutschen Soldaten im Jahr 1931 ist die Schinkelsche Neue Wache in Berlin ein zentraler Ort staatlicher Gedenkkultur. In den letzten Jahren der Weimarer... more
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      Material Culture StudiesGDR HistoryNazi GermanyAntifascism