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The presence of a female donkey (a “jenny”) in Matthew’s account of the triumphal entry (Matt 21:1-9) has been perplexing because her presence is not mentioned in either of Matthew’s sources, Mark 11:1-10 and Zech 9:9. Some scholars hold... more
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      Gospel of MatthewThe Use of the Old Testament in the NewBook of ZechariahHebrew Parallelism
(UPDATED version at The Masoretic Text is annotated with special signs around the Hebrew text. They include cantillation accents, or the te'amim, which are applied to virtually every word of the text,... more
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      HermaneuticsGenesisInterpretations of Genesis 1-3Masoretic Accents
(Updated & expanded version) The Masoretic Text is annotated with special signs around the Hebrew text. They include cantillation accents, or the te'amim, which are applied to virtually every word of the text, indicating very precisely... more
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      HermeneuticsGenesisBiblical HermeneuticsInterpretations of Genesis 1-3