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This paper provides an "evolutionary" reading of Harry Thompson's novel THIS THING OF DARKNESS, a historical fiction on Darwin's Beagle voyage and the life of Captain FitzRoy. Special attention is paid to the novel's narrative anchoring... more
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      EvolutionNarrative TheoryLiterary Darwinism Or Evolutionary Literary TheoryHarry Thompson
"This Thing of Darkness", a phrase describing the half-human creature Caliban in Shakespeare's "The Tempest", is the British title of Harry Thompson's novel titled "To the Edge of the World" in the USA. It deals with Darwin's Beagle... more
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      English NovelLiterature And ScienceHarry ThompsonEvolutionism
Una nota sobre el destino trágico de la vida y obra de Robert FitzRoy, el capitán del 'Beagle' de Charles Darwin, tal y como se cuenta en la memorable novela de Harry Thompson 'This Thing of Darkness' ('Hacia los confines del mundo').... more
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      Harry ThompsonCharles Darwin