Recent papers in Handschriftenillustration
Anhand einer illustrierten Handschrift aus Frankfurt am Main aus dem Jahre 1471 wird erforscht wie das Publikum solcher Handschriften beschaffen wa rund mit welchen Ansprüchen dieses an das Medium herantrat. Da bei dieser Handschrift der... more
in: Animals and Early Modern Identity, ed. Pia F. Cuneo (Basingstoke: 2014), 209-242.
Interdisciplinary cooperation enables the two authors to precicly localize and date one of the most lavishly produced manuscript of a medieval German epic during 15th century. With the combination of art-historical and linguistic methods... more
This volume taps into the heretofore scarcely leveraged potential offered by a codicological and paleographic approach to reconstruct the history of Ptolemy’s 'Geography'. The author presents many of the work’s manuscripts for the first... more
The Histo~J! qf wriuen cuLture in the "Carpatho-Danubian" region 1., Ed. lry H. P(itkouri, P. S/JUI/m; ] S'ediuj, Bmlislaun -Praha 2003 ILLUSTRIERTE MISSALIEN IN BRÜNN, PREßBURG UND ÖSTERREICH IN DER ERSTEN HÄLFTE DES 15. JAHRHUNDER TS.... more
The theoretical parts of Ptolemy’s Geography are furnished with various diagrams illustrating the complex descriptions of the construction of the three Ptolemaic projections for a map of the oikoumene. Even though the oldest extant Greek... more
Dit is een krant stuk over mijn onderzoek door Berthold van Maris van NRC Handelsblad. Het is uitgegeven op 18 maart 2016.