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We study the electronic and optical properties of pure and Ta-doped anatase TiO2 structures using a plane-wave-based first-principles calculation. The pure anatase TiO2 has an indirect band gap of 2.76 eV, while the Ta-doped anatase TiO2... more
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      Half MetalsSemiconductorsDensity Functional TheoryOptical Properties
In this report, structural, electronic, magnetic and transport properties of quaternary Heusler alloys CoRuMnGe and CoRuVZ (Z = Al, Ga) are investigated. All the three alloys are found to crystallize in cubic structure. CoRuMnGe exhibits... more
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      SpintronicsHalf MetalsHeusler AlloysMagnetism and Magnetic Materials
Effect of partial Mn substitution for Fe in Fe3Si on the structural, magnetic, transport, and magnetotransport properties has been studied. Mn substitution is found to induce a re-entrant antiferromagnetic phase at low temperatures. The... more
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      SpintronicsHalf MetalsHeusler Alloys
We report the structure, magnetic property, and spin polarization of CoFeMnGe equiatomic quaternary Heusler alloy. The alloy was found to crystallize in the cubic Heusler structure (prototype LiMgPdSn) with considerable amount of DO3... more
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      SpintronicsHalf MetalsHeusler AlloysSpin Polarized transport
In this study, we have explored the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of V-doped zincblende MgSe andMgTe compounds using density functional calculations. The Wu-Cohen generalized gradient approximation is used for... more
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      Solid State PhysicsMagnetic MaterialsHalf MetalsDensity-functional theory
Fe 2 Mn 1-x Cr x Si (x ¼ 0, 0.1, and 0.2) alloys were investigated for their magnetic and transport properties in view of the expected half metallicity. It is found that Cr substitution suppresses the antiferromagnetic phase present in... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsHalf Metals
The structural, electronic and magnetic properties of the low index (111), (110) and (001) surfaces of the rocksalt Potassium Sulfide (rs-KS) are investigated by using pseudo-potential calculations in the framework of spin density... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsSurface ScienceSpintronicsMagnetic Materials
Resonant L ␣,␤ X-ray emission and L 3,2 X-ray absorption spectra of 3d metals in Co 2 MnZ (Z = Al, Ga, Sn, Sb) Heusler alloys as an element-selective probe of spin character of valence band
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      Solid State PhysicsHalf MetalsCondesed Matter Physics
We theoretically study a finite size SF1N F2 spin valve, where a normal metal (N) insert separates a thin standard ferromagnet (F1) and a thick half-metallic ferromagnet (F2). For sufficiently thin superconductor (S) widths close to the... more
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      SuperconductivitySpintronicsHalf MetalsSpin Transfer Torque
Local atomic magnetic moments in crystalline Fe are perturbed by the presence of dislocations. The effects are most pronounced near the dislocation core and decay slowly as the strain field of the dislocation decreases with distance. We... more
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      EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsHalf MetalsApplied Physics
Polycrystalline quaternary Co2MnAl1−x Snx films with x=0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 were prepared at room temperature using magnetron sputtering technique on SiO2 substrates and post-annealed at various temperatures. We investigated the crystal... more
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      SpintronicsHalf MetalsHeusler AlloysFerromagnetic Resonance
ABSTRACT In this work we studied the effect of partial Fe substitution for Ti on the structural and magnetic properties of the Co2TiAl. X-ray diffraction analysis indicates the presence of B2 type disorder for x > 0, (111)... more
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      Half MetalsHeusler Alloys
In this article, we investigate the predictions of the first principles on structural stability, electronic and mechanical properties of 2D nanostructures: graphene, silicene, germanene and stenane. The electronic band structure and... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsSolid State PhysicsMagnetic MaterialsHalf Metals
Here, we report the synthesis and physical properties of Co2FeGe (CFG) Heusler alloy (HA) nanoparticles (NPs). The NPs of size 23±10 nm are prepared using the co-precipitation method. X-ray and selected area electron diffraction patterns... more
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      Half MetalsTopological InsulatorsTransport PropertiesThermoelectric Materials
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      SpintronicsHalf MetalsHeusler AlloysMagnetism and Magnetic Materials
Abstract: The Mn L_2, L_3 x-ray spectra of the Cu_2MnAl and Co_2MnZ (Z= Al, Ga, Sn, Sb) Heusler alloys have been investigated by the Resonant X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (RXES) using linearly polarized monochromatic synchrotron radiation... more
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      Solid State PhysicsHalf MetalsHeusler AlloysSynchrotron Radiation
In this work we studied the effect of partial Fe substitution for Ti on the structural and magnetic properties of the Co2TiAl. X-ray diffraction analysis indicates the presence of B2 type disorder for x > 0, (111) reflections are absent... more
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      Half MetalsHeusler Alloys
Fe2Mn1-xCrxSi (x =0, 0.1 and 0.2) alloys were investigated for their magnetic and transport properties in view of the expected half metallicity. It is found that Cr substitution suppresses the antiferromagnetic phase present in parent... more
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      Half MetalsHeusler AlloysFerromagnetic Half metals