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Objective: The main objective of present study is to treat Alopecia. Alopecia areata is an unpredictable hair-loss condition. Alopecia is a dermatological disorder with psychosocial implications on patients with hair loss. Herbal systems... more
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      PharmacyAyurvedic MedicinePharmacognosyFlavonoids
Herbal medicine is still the mainstay of about 70-80% of the world population mainly in the developing countries for Primary Health Care because of better cultural acceptability better, compatibility with the human body and lesser... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyNatural ProductsNatural Products Chemistry
Emblica officinalis (Amla, EO, and E. officinalis) is one of the most important herbs in the Indian traditional medicine system, especially Ayurveda and also known as the king of all medicinal plants. EO is famous ayurvedic herb (the name... more
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      PharmacyElectron MicroscopyMicroscopyTraditional Medicine
Herbs & herbal drugs are clinically proved good for hair growth. Hair loss problem is of great concern to both males & females & the main problems associated with hair loss are hair fading, dandruff & falling of hair. Various synthetic... more
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      PharmacyPharmacognosyHair cellsHair
Hair is a major esthetic display feature of the human body, especially in social and sexual interactions. Diagnosis of hair diseases occurred as early as ancient Egyptian times and is one of the oldest medical disciplines. Today, hair... more
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      PharmacyPharmacognosyHair cellsHair
Age-related hearing loss is the most common type of hearing impairment, and is typically characterized by the loss of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). The two Liver X receptors (LXRs) are oxysterol-activated nuclear receptors which in... more
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      NeuroscienceImmunohistochemistryMacrophagesDeafness and Hearing Loss
Mutations in GJB2, the gene that encodes connexin 26 (Cx26), are the most common cause of sensorineural hearing impairment. The truncating variant 35delG, which determines a complete loss of Cx26 protein function, is the prevalent GJB2... more
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      Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)Gene expressionRedox Biology/Redox signallingHair cells
Aim and Objectives : To evaluate functional integrity of Outer Hair Cells and Medial Olivocochlear system in the subjects having normal hearing with tinnitus and compare it with normal population and also to study the importance of... more
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      Otoacoustic emissionsTinnitusHair cellsResearch Articles
Mechanoelectrical transduction in the inner ear is a biophysical process underlying the senses of hearing and balance. The key players involved in this process are mechanosensitive ion channels. They are located in the stereocilia of hair... more
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      NeuroscienceBiophysicsAuditory NeuroscienceMathematical Modelling
Mechanoelectrical transduction in the inner ear is a biophysical process underlying the senses of hearing and balance. The key players involved in this process are mechanosensitive ion channels. They are located in the stereocilia of hair... more
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      NeuroscienceBiophysicsAuditory NeuroscienceMathematical Modelling