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Protagoras is usually connected with the homo-mensura thesis which is interpreted as a defence of relativism, subjectivism or scepticism. A similar approach is brought to our reading of other fragments by Protagoras, for example fragment... more
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      God, Gods, GoddessesProtagorasEthics of Care of the SelfGreek Theology
The Philosophy of Parmenides as a system of idealistic monism (immaterialism). The Pythagorean background of Parmenides' metaphysics. The origin of the mistaken positivist interpretation of Parmenides. Plato's date of Parmenides' birth... more
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      MetaphysicsPresocratic PhilosophyIdealismTheory of Mind
This paper seeks to express a biblical definition of deity. Which ultimately is a trinitarian definition of God.
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      TheologyAquinasTrinityDoctrine of God
Todo el material contenido en esta tesis esta protegido por la Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor (LFDA) de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (México).
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      PythagoreanismPlato and PlatonismPlatonismGreek Mathematics
This is a more elaboret and developped version of the first paper published in Polish : M.T. Olszewski, Uwagi na temat mosaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr), Menander XLII, 9-10, 1987, pp. 421-438 (translated to English : The... more
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      ReligionClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyMusic
In this article I am looking at the use and appropriation of language and style in Christos Yannaras' "Variations on the Song of Songs". Yannaras is one of the most prolific and influential theologians and philosophers in modern Greece.... more
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      Christos YannarasGreek TheologyThe Song of SongsTheology and Poetry
The description of god as phthoneros ('envious' , 'jealous' , 'grudging') in the works of Pindar, Aeschylus, and Herodotus has played an important role in the later understanding of archaic and classical Greek religion. This paper... more
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      GnosticismIntellectual HistoryPresocratic PhilosophyPlato
In his treatise On the eternity of the world , 4-47 Philo of Alexandria sets forth a doxography of opinions of Greek philosophers on the eternity of the cosmos contrasting the theory of its periodical generation/destruction held by... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPhilosophical TheologyPythagoreanismCreationism
Paul’s speech before the Areopagus recorded in Acts 17:22-31 serves as an echo of earlier Hellenistic sources, including Socrates’ trial in Athens in Plato’s Apology and poems by the sage Epimenides and Aratus the Stoic. It is here argued... more
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      PlatoSocratesApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersBiblical Interpretation
Literature and Philosophy are habitually conceived as separate disciplines including different discursive models and audiences. This paper aims at loosening this disciplinary compartmentalisation focusing on the figures of Pindar and... more
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      Greek LiteratureAncient Greek PhilosophyGreek Theology
Presentation of the monograph of Vassiliki STATHOKOSTA, Orthodox Ecclesiology and Inter-Christian Dialogue: The “Una Sancta” in the life and work of Metropolitan Panteleimon Papageorgiou, ed. ENNOIA, Athens, 2015, pp. 274
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      History of ChristianityOrthodox TheologyEcumenical TheologyOrthodox Ecclesiology
Aristotelov spis Περὶ ψυχῆς ni le prvo delo v izročilu zahodnega mišljenja, ki je izrecno posvečeno vprašanju duše kot oživljajočega počela živih bitij na čelu s človekom in njegovimi utrpevajočimi stanji pa tudi dejavnimi vzgibi, kot je... more
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      PsychologyAncient Greek Philosophy / AristotleGreek Theology
This essay outlines the Stoic doctrine of conflagration. Its dependence on Heraclitus and his belief in conflagration and cosmogony is affirmed. The Stoics found in Heraclitus a representation of the conflagration but not a theory of it.... more
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      StoicismHeraclitusStoic PhysicsZenon of Citium
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      Ancient PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyAncient TheologyGreek Theology