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Colloque international "Patrimonialiser la mémoire diasporique", dans le cadre du projet « Pensando Goa », Aix-en-Provence et Marseille 11-12 mai 2018. Le colloque international organisé dans le cadre du projet Pensando Goa (USP), par... more
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      AnthropologyPoetryThe Lusophone WorldDiaspora Studies
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      South Asian StudiesIdentity politicsPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonPost-Colonialism
Across Europe, the parish church has stood for centuries at the centre of local communities; it was the focal point of its religious life, the rituals performed there marked the stages of life from the cradle to the grave. Nonetheless the... more
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      Latin American StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesColonial America
This paper seeks to explore the changing Identity of the Goan Catholic Brahmin community of Goa through the period prior to, and post liberation. As the Goan middle class began to migrate to British India in search of jobs in the early... more
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      Goan HistoryGoan CultureGoan StudiesGoan Literature
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      Portuguese ColonialismGoan StudiesGoan Literature
No que concerne propriamente à literatura, Everton V. Machado oferece uma leitura instigante da história da literatura de língua portuguesa produzida em Goa. Em seu artigo “Goa na literatura indo-portuguesa”, traça um amplo panorama dessa... more
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      IndiaGoan StudiesGoan Literature
The unique architecture of Goa’s old Brahmanical shrines is under threat today, and one reason seems to be a perception that it is not Hindu enough. Goa’s centuries-long Islamicate and Iberian connections have left behind a heterogeneous... more
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      ArchitectureContemporary ArtContemporary HistorySouth Asian Studies
The Great War is often regarded as nations at war. In actual fact it was empires at war. Within which there are forgotten narratives this is a specific colonial minority community perspective of the First World War.
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      Portuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonEast Africa (History)First World WarSouth Asian Diasporas
This paper examines the representation of the Goan ayah in the recent history of Goa. Taking Damodar Mauzo's Karmelin (1981), a novel which portrays the life of a Goan woman who migrates to Kuwait for employment, as an entry point, I will... more
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      Gender StudiesPortuguese StudiesPortuguese HistoryMigration
The second article, by Everton V. Machado, focuses on Os Brahmanes (1866) by Francisco Luís Gomes (1829–1869). Here Machado considers Gomes’s novel, which takes place not in Goa but British India, to be the first modern work of fiction to... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesIndian studiesColonialismBritish Empire
The architecture of Goa is a heterogeneous one, the result of its long and cosmopolitan history as an Indian Ocean port, a part of the Islamicate Deccan, and then of the Portuguese empire. And one of its most distinctive and heterogeneous... more
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      HistorySociologyArt HistoryArchitecture
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      Postcolonial StudiesGoan StudiesGoan Literature
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      Portuguese StudiesCosmopolitanismThe Lusophone WorldCreolization
Introduction to the Special Section "Goa Before India: Late-Colonial Goan Society and Culture"
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      Portuguese StudiesPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonPortuguese LiteraturePortuguese India
This essay is taken from "Avante, Goeses, Avante! The Portuguese Poetry of Laxmanrao Sardessai" (Goa1556, 2017), where it serves as the introduction to the collected poetry of Goan writer Laxmanrao Sardessai, translated into English by... more
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      Translation of PoetryPortuguese LanguageGoan StudiesGoan Literature
Reúne ensaios nas áreas de Estudos Literários, História, Antropologia, Direito e Música.
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      Postcolonial StudiesOrientalismGoan Studies
Latest information(2013) on the present status of sea turtles along India's mainland. A 2010-12 project initiative by WWF-India.Compiled and Edited by Annie Kurian. (This survey is after a decadal gap since the last GOI-UNDP survey... more
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      Marine BiologyHerpetologyEarth SciencesWorld Literatures
(Finalista Prémio PEN CLUBE Português 2019 na Categoria Ensaio) Este estudo traça uma reflexão sobre o orientalismo português ilustrada pela obra Jornadas, de Tomás Ribeiro, uma narrativa de viagem de meados do século XIX, hoje... more
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      Fernando PessoaCamõesIndiaLiteratura Portuguesa
While it is true that India did not exist as a political entity at the time, and also that independence had a very limited meaning to kings, princes and landed castes like the chuefs of Cuncolim, if one is looking for rebellions against... more
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      HistorySouth Asian StudiesSouth AsiaSouth Asian History
The history of the early modern Catholic missions to Asia provides an excellent vantage point to asses the relation between evangelization and colonialism. If the European expansion was an essential pre-condition for the creation of... more
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      ReligionEarly Modern HistoryPortuguese StudiesPortuguese History
Indian nationalist discourses in Portuguese India have a direct relation with the political developments in British India. I use the terms ‘British India’ instead of ‘India’ and ‘Portuguese India’ instead of ‘Goa’ (and the territories of... more
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      Portuguese StudiesHistoriographyBritish EmpireEmpire
This article revisits the historiography around the Foral of 1526, the initial document issued by the Comptroller of the Exchequer that embedded the Portuguese Crown within the administration of the gaunkaria, a form of agrarian... more
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      Portuguese StudiesPortuguese HistoryColonialismPost-Colonialism
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      IdentidadeOrientalismoGoan DiasporaGoan Studies
In November 2020, Indian celebrity Milind Soman posted a picture of himself on social media, which showed him running naked on a beach. He was charged with obscenity. This article considers the time and place of Soman's act over the... more
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      Tourism StudiesAdvertisingCelebrity CultureSocial Media
Conducted between February and April, 2017, this e-conversation with writer, literary critic, and professor Peter Nazareth engages him in topics of the Goan diaspora, Goan literature, as well as his own writing and criticism. As a writer... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesAfrican LiteratureGoan StudiesGoan Literature
The Portuguese Prime Minister should apologise, say the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP) and the Goa Suraksha Manch (GSM), 'as soon as he lands, for all the atrocities commied on the people of Goa, while the Portuguese ruled Goa.' Let... more
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      History of ReligionIndian studiesPolitical ScienceReligious Conversion
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      HinduismCatholicismIndiaMythe et littérature
This study is the second part of investigative research into early Asian presence in the Atlantic. The first investigation focused on the islands of Macaronesia (Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores and Cape Verde Islands), and resulted in a... more
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      Maritime HistorySouth Asian StudiesBrazilian HistoryHistory of Cuisine
The Franciscan Paulo da Trindade was born in Macau (c. 1570) and died in Goa (1651). The aim of this entry about Friar Paulo da Trindade is to analyse aspects of his life and work, especially the "Conquista espirtitual do Oriente"... more
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      Franciscan StudiesHistory of the Portuguese EmpireMuslim-Christian RelationIndia
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      MacaoGoan StudiesDeolinda da ConceiçãoLiteratura de Goa
Review of Colonial and Post-Colonial Goan Literature in Portuguese: Woven Palms (2019), edited by Paul Melo e Castro.
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial LiteratureSouth Asian LiteraturePortuguese Literature
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      Goan StudiesGoan LiteratureLiteratura-mundoLiteratura de Goa
On the history, architecture, politics, and alleged traditions of Goa's brahmanical temples and the challenge they are facing today from the bahujan communities.
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyArchaeology
Every sacred site has a history, of worship and suppressed worship. And most of the latter about Bahujans and their suppression by dominant castes, of every religion.
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      HistorySociologyArchitectureSouth Asian Studies
An investigation into the presence and perceptions of an Asian community in Kenya within the fictional "The In-Between World of Vikram Lall" by M.G. Vassanji, published in 2004.
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      African StudiesMulticulturalismSouth Asian StudiesAfrican Diaspora Studies
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      GeographyBritish HistoryTransnationalismAfrican History
Le roman Les Brahmanes, publié en 1866 au Portugal par l'Indien de Goa Francisco Luís Gomes (1829-1869), pourrait être considéré comme étant non seulement le premier ouvrage de fiction « anticolonialiste » de l'histoire de la littérature... more
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O catálogo abre com um texto de Luís Farinha Franco, a lembrar Cunha Rivara, cujo labor, diverso, assenta no propósito de instruir e educar. Acompanhou boa parte do século e as renovadas interpretações e tendências do que era e deveria... more
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      IndiaBibliofiliaEstudos PortuguesesOrientalismo
A América Latina e certos territórios coloniais europeus da África e Ásia, apesar de contextos diversos, são terrenos de convergência de formas poéticas que problematizam a memória e o exilio. Se muito já se disse sobre a influência da... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesExile LiteratureLiteratura LatinoamericanaLusofonia
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      British Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )South Asian DiasporasEast African AsiansKenyan History
«“‘Orientalism from Within’ in Goa: Local Textual Production in Light of the Legal and Administrative Framework of the Overseas Populations” by Everton V. Machado begins by establishing that much of what has been written in Portuguese... more
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      Portuguese StudiesOrientalismPortuguese Colonial EmpireGoan Studies
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      ArchitectureUrban StudiesHistory of architectureArchitecture and Public Spaces
The high profile of individuals of the Goan communities within the nation-states of the North Atlantic (Canada, USA, UK and Portugal) is at variance with the low numbers and paucity of research on these communities. The relative... more
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      GeographyAnthropologyHumanitiesInternational Studies
Nagini, Quesintuu e Umantuu: apropriações iconográficas do "barroco colonizador". Nagin é o nome dado às figuras híbridas-parte mulher, parte cobra-que, segundo as mitologias hindu e budista, habitam o mundo submarino. Quesintuu e Umantuu... more
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      Latin American StudiesArt HistoryColonial AmericaIndian studies
Introductory editorial for "1991: Dispossessions - A 30th Anniversary Remembrance of the Gulf War," special issue of the João Roque Literary Journal (Autumn 2021)
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      War StudiesArabian GulfKuwaitPalestinian communities at home and in the diaspora
The present chapter will show the so-called “sub-imperialism” through the intellectual alignment of a man of science with what will become the key piece of nation–state politics that emerges in the wake of the French Revolution. The... more
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      EthnographyPortuguese StudiesBrazilIndia
On the Supreme Court verdict in the Babri Masjid demolition case.
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      SociologyIndian studiesPoliticsModern Indian History
Além de questões conceituais, sempre presentes nos estudos dessas literaturas, o modo como as culturas se confrontam e negociam, o olhar dirigido ao outro, muitas vezes em função de meras projeções de alteridades, é analisado por David... more
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      RepresentaçãoEstudos Pós-ColoniaisGoan StudiesGoan Literature
The book contains a translation of a fascinating article written by Everton V. Machado, entitled “The Rebellion in a 19th Century Indo-Portuguese Novel”. The article has been translated from French by Joao Pedro Vicente Faustino and... more
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      British EmpireIndiaPortuguese Colonial EmpireColonialism and Imperialism
This last week was an exciting and much-awaited one for me, beginning as it did with Francis de Tuem's new tiatr Question Mark and ending with Nagraj Manjule's new film Sairat. Both productions were brilliant in their own way, and both... more
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      SociologyPolitical PhilosophyMedia StudiesSouth Asian Studies