Fuzzy Measures
Recent papers in Fuzzy Measures
People recognize familiar faces in a similar way by using interior facial features (facial regions) such as eyes, nose, mouth, etc. However, the importance of these regions in the realization of face identification and a quantification of... more
Mathematically considered, a Triangular Norm is a kind of binary operation frequently used in the context of Probabilistic Metric Spaces, but also in other very interesting fields, as may be Fuzzy Logic, or in general, in Multi-Valued... more
Evaluating software quality is an important and essential issue in the development process because it helps to deliver a competitive software product. A decision of selecting the best software based on quality attributes is a type of... more
Kernel methods for classification is a well-studied area in which data are implicitly mapped from a lower- dimensional space to a higher-dimensional space to improve classification accuracy. However, for... more
In digital image classification the conventional statistical approaches for image classification use only the gray values. Different advanced techniques in image classification like Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector... more
The problem of multiperson and multiobjective decision making is considered. Models based on fuzzy measures are introduced. Moreover the problem of checking coherence of an assessment of scores to pairs (alternative, objective) is faced.... more
MM is one of the central ideas in the nowadays mathematics education. In an earlier paper applying ideas from fuzzy logic we have developed a model formalizing the MM process and we have used the total possibilistic uncertainty as a... more