Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering
Recent papers in Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering
Allocated Marks (%) Marks 2. pO 2 was polarized for two hours before the main experiment begins.
Se resume las principales características de los reactores y se proporciona fotografías a nivel industrial de estos equipos. La información es una adaptación de la versión en inglés que se encuentra en:... more
Enzyme significantly can speed up the rate of reaction and activity. The main objective of this experiment is to investigate the enzyme activity and kinetics based on parameters of pH, temperature and concentration of substrate. From... more
Bacterial growth population, as E.Coli is study to identify growth kinetics in a shake flask. The medium is prepared and contained for hours in a thermostat rotary shaker. Two analytical concerns is taken which is absorbance analysis and... more
This is the edited version with complete explanation on the bullet form of my unedited notes. Do check it out!
This is the most complete and concise notes for ease of calculations and understanding on the concept. Chapters involved in the first page is Chapter 2: Multiphase Reactor , and followed by Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 in my full notes (both... more