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Brachiopods of the orders Strophomenida, Orthotetida, and Athyridida from the late middle Frasnian–early Famennian interval (hassi to triangularis conodont zones) in the Namur-Dinant Basin (southeastern margin of Laurussia; southern... more
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The cause of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary (FFB) biotic crisis, one of the " Big Five " Phanerozoic mass extinctions, remains poorly understood. Here, we generated a high-resolution uranium-isotope profile (δ 238 U) for a marine... more
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      ChinaAnoxiaCarbon IsotopesFamennian
May, A. (1996a): Relationship among sea-level fluctuation, biogeography, and bioevents of the Devonian: an attempt to approach a powerful, but simple model for complex long-range control of biotic crises. - Geolines, 3: 38-49, 2 figs.;... more
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      PalaeogeographyCoral ReefsBrachiopodaPaleobiogeography
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      TsunamiMass extinctionsDevonianFrasnian Fammenian Boundary
The article presents new information concerning taxonomic composition of the biota of the Upper Devonian deposits of the River Sharyu. By studying a collection of conodonts and brachiopods the stratigraphic position of the section was... more
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      StratigraphyConodontsBrachiopodsFrasnian Fammenian Boundary
The Late Devonian was a time of major evolutionary change encompassing the fifth largest mass extinction, the Frasnian–Famennian event. Inorder to establish a chronological framework for global correlation before, during, and following... more
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      MagnetostratigraphyCarbonatesDevonianReefal limestone
Four TOC-rich shale intervals spanning the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) boundary were recovered in a drillcore (West Valley NX-1) from western New York (USA) and radiometrically dated using Re-Os. Two of the black shale intervals (WVC785 from... more
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      PaleoceanographyDevonianRheniumOsmium Isotopes
The cause of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary (FFB) biotic crisis, one of the " Big Five " Phanerozoic mass extinctions, remains poorly understood. Here, we generated a high-resolution uranium-isotope profile (δ 238 U)... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyChinaAnoxia
The Late Devonian was a time of major evolutionary change encompassing the fifth largest mass extinction, the Frasnian-Famennian event. In order to establish a chronological framework for global correlation before, during, and following... more
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      Earth SciencesMagnetostratigraphyCarbonatesDevonian
May, A. (1997g): Ein Modell zur Erklärung der Bio-Events und der biogeographischen Entwicklung im Devon durch den Meeresspiegel. - Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 31: 137-174, 5 figs.; Dortmund.... more
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      PalaeogeographyPaleontologyStratigraphyCoral Reefs