Fish and Marine Ecology
Recent papers in Fish and Marine Ecology
La costa central de Venezuela tiene gran importancia a nivel nacional por ser fuente de recursos pesqueros y turísticos para las comunidades locales; sin embargo, en ella se han realizado poco trabajos de investigación. El objetivo de... more
subtracting each judge's rating of the typical American from his or her rating of the typical compatriot for each NCS item. Assuming that cultures agree on the typical American, this procedure in effect subtracts the bias plus a constant... more
Fish communities in seagrass beds at this time due to over-exploitation is threatened continuously by fishermen. Therefore we need research on fish communities in seagrass beds as a basis for management. This study aims to determine the... more
The decline of the southern bluefin tuna (SBT) stock since the onset of industrialised fishing has been considerable with estimates of current stock levels being between 5 and 12% of the pre exploitation biomass. If the fishing fleet... more
This is a survey of Norwegian Lophelia coral reefs on the continental shelf of Norway, including several oil and gas field locations, at water depths from 250 to 450 m. Despite deep, dark cool waters, at latitudes of up to 70 degrees... more
This study examined the feasibility of gear substitution as a means to reduce bycatch and habitat impacts of fisheries, using a social-ecological systems approach. The U.S. west coast sablefish fishery is an excellent subject for this... more
Pengertian Identifikasi Ikan, Cara Identifikasi Ikan, Ikan Lele, Ikan Mas, Ikan Nilem, Ikan Patin, Ikan Tawes, Ikan Bandeng, Ikan Kakap, Ikan Kembung, Ikan Kurisi dan Ikan Tongkol
Ratnafuri 230110130228 UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTAN PROGRAM STUDI PERIKANAN JATINANGOR Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas rahmat dan hidayah-Nya akhirnya kami dari pihak penyusun dapat menyelesaikan tugas... more
The report provides a spatial and temporal characterization of the fish and benthic communities of Buck Island Reef National Monument and the surrounding seascapes of northeastern St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands. The project is a... more
THE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY -ABU DHABI is a government agency that was established in 1996 with the objective of protecting and conserving the environment as well as promoting sustainable development in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
Blackspotted Croaker (Protonibea diacanthus) is one of the most commercially important croakers which migrate along West Bengal coast during winter season. This paper deals with the importance of the species along with its market value... more
The coastal zone of the Black Sea has great numbers of human activities and demand use of the coastal space . But coast has a special role in protecting the ecosystems. Human use has a profound influence on the environmental state of the... more
Ecological impacts of military bombing activities in Puerto Rico have often been described as minimal, with recurrent allegations of confounding effects by hurricanes, coral diseases and local anthropogenic stressors. Reef craters, though... more
The maritime fur trade (1785–1840s) led to the local extinction of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) in many parts of the northeast Pacific. On the basis of studies of extant sea otter populations, it has been established that they have a... more
The Wendat worldview entails an ongoing acknowledgement and production of relationships, rooted in principles of equality, respect and reciprocity among all people and all elements of the natural world. It is an inherently ecological... more
This paper describes how fish overwhelmingly dominates the animal bone assemblage from the examined column sample deposits at the Huu7ii village site, the named ancestral village of the Huu-ay-aht First Nation. Fish represent 99.9% of all... more
In this study, a buckler crab, Cryptopodia angulata, reported for the first time from Majali, Karwar, West coast of India. This species occurs rarely in the Indian coastal waters and this is the first report from Karwar coast. External... more
Odyssey Marine Exploration's Atlas Shipwreck Survey Project in the western English Channel and Western Approaches has recorded 267 shipwrecks across 4,725 square nautical miles. A high density of the sites displays evidence of detrimental... more
Schon seit Jahrtausenden stellen Flussläufe und Auen ein bevorzugtes Siedlungsgebiet für Menschen dar, die sich das Wasser zunächst für die Nahrungserzeugung (Landwirtschaft, Fischfang), später als Handelsweg und in jüngster Zeit auch für... more
Little is known about the occurrence of Otariids in El Salvador. In the country, there are records of specimens belonging to four species (Arctocephalus philippii townsendi, A. galapagoensis, Otaria flavescens and Zalophus californianus).... more
Richard Gould’s classic 1966 monograph, Archaeology of the Point St. George Site and Tolowa Prehistory, provided an important source of information on settlement and subsistence systems on the north coast of California. This article... more
Macrourids are among the most abundant and diverse demersal fishes in all deep oceans, including the Southwestern Brazilian continental slope. Although not targeted by Brazilian fisheries, they suffer impact similar than the target... more
This study presents isotopic data (d13C and d15N from bone collagen) for 104 samples representing 29 vertebrate taxa from late pre-contact through to contact era (ca. 2000 – 100 BP) Haida Gwaii (British Columbia, Canada) from a wide... more
Yaşar Kemal, 1972 yılında yayımladığı Denizler Kurudu adlı eserinin moral coğrafyasında, ünlü doğa korumacı, ekolog ve doğa yazarı Aldo Leopold’un ekosistem sağlığını ön plana alan ve genişletilmiş bir toplum anlayışı içeren Toprak Etiği... more
The Commerson's anchovy (Stolephorus commersonii) for the study were collected from fish landing center at Cochin, India. Fish samples were transported to the laboratory in iced condition in insulated Styrofoam boxes. The samples were... more
Padang lamun merupakan habitat potensial bagi sumberdaya hayati ikan yaitu sebagai daerah asuhan, daerah pemijahan, tempat berlindung dan mencari makan. Salah satu jenis ikan yang senantiasa didapatkan pada daerah padang lamun dalam... more
vi Acknowledgements viii PersonnelforMainComponentsoftheProject Abstract The Beaufort Sea Marine Fishes Project (BSMFP) was developed as a multistakeholder initiative aimed to address information gaps for deep-water fish communities... more
The study was conducted in March -May 2011 in the coastal waters of Tanjung Tiram inner Ambon bay. The aims of the study were to determine the composition of species and structure of fish communities in seagrass beds ecosystems. Fish were... more
Etroplus suratensis is known for the high commercial value fish available in South India. The identification of the species of this fish cumbersome and inaccurate in different life stages of the fish. Therefore, DNA sequence of cytochrome... more
Relative abundance and distribution are two of the most important life-history characteristics that fishery managers use to make informed decisions, such as identifying nursery grounds or protecting specific habitats. Many researchers... more