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Filter feeding fishes possess several morphological adaptations necessary to capture and concentrate small particulate matter from the water column. Filter feeding teleosts typically employ elongated and tightly packed gill rakers with... more
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      Functional AnatomyFish BiologyFish Ontogeny/Phylogeny
We have developed a dynamic model to track the evolution of contaminant concentration in an aquatic organism as a function of season and ontogeny throughout its life cycle. We have focused our analysis on the round goby (Apollonia... more
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      BioaccumulationInvasive species ecologyFish Ontogeny/Phylogeny
Macrourids are among the most abundant and diverse demersal fishes in all deep oceans, including the Southwestern Brazilian continental slope. Although not targeted by Brazilian fisheries, they suffer impact similar than the target... more
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      Marine BiologyParasitologySystematics (Taxonomy)Oceanography
Otolith morphology and microstructure of the sagitta are described in freckled goatfish Upeneus tragula. The first increments (from the second to sixth or eighth) are the most well defined, and subsequent zones of less contrasting... more
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    • Fish Ontogeny/Phylogeny
A controlled release delivery system helps to overcome the problem of short life of the leutinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) in blood and avoids use of multiple injections to enhance reproductive efficacy. Chitosan-and... more
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      FisheriesMarine AquacultureNanotechnologyAquaculture
Phenotypic plasticity has been demonstrated in fishes but rarely addressed with respect to skeletogenesis. The influence of water velocity on the sequence of chondrification and ossification is studied for the median fins of Arctic charr,... more
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      Fish BiologyPhenotypic PlasticityAquacultureFish Ontogeny/Phylogeny
Macrourids are among the most abundant and diverse demersal fishes in all deep oceans, including the Southwestern Brazilian continental slope. Although not targeted by Brazilian fisheries, they suffer impact similar than the target... more
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      Marine BiologyParasitologySystematics (Taxonomy)Oceanography