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In 2006, the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) launched its Global Engagement Initiative and began developing a set of curricular tools for faculty to use in educating globally competent citizens. A national... more
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      SociologyFirst Year ExperiencePedagogyGlobal Citizenship Education
university students: personal epistemology and learning. Teaching Education. ( In Press)
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      PsychologyEpistemologyHigher EducationFirst Year Experience
Of the challenges facing universities, the need to attract and accommodate students of increasingly varied demographic backgrounds is perhaps one of the most pressing. This study was conducted to profile the first-year student cohort at a... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationFirst Year ExperienceCase Studies
Engaging first-year students in education abroad introduces them to ideas and concepts early in their degree and can be the first step toward a more engaged college experience. It challenges them to be bold in their early decisions,... more
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      Higher EducationFirst Year ExperienceInternational EducationInternational Higher Education
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      First Year ExperienceThe University of Sydney
This paper reviews many of the observed characteristics and study habits of first-year students in Iowa State University's electrical engineering programme (Ames, Iowa, USA). The studying and problem-solving practices of the students... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringEducationEngineering Education
University students are diverse not only in their demographics, but also in their academic literacy needs. To meet and accommodate the writing needs of all learners, writing centres were established in 2013 at a selected University of... more
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      First Year ExperienceAcademic WritingAcademic LiteraciesWriting Centres
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      Academic IntegrityFirst Year ExperienceScientific WritingReferencing
The purpose of this short course is two-fold: to provide you with general information about art and social justice (Track 1) or ethnographic writing (Track 2), and to show you how these generalities work out in the specific context of the... more
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      EthnographyFirst Year ExperienceOaxaca (Anthropology)Oaxaca (Archaeology)
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)First Year ExperienceLearning and Thinking Skills in English
The Supplemental Instruction (SI) program of the University of Missouri-Kansas City addresses attrition by providing academic support in courses that are high risk for students. The program contains a number of innovative features, for... more
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      Higher EducationEducational ResearchSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutFirst Year Experience
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a student academic assistance program that increases academic performance and retention through its use of collaborative learning strategies. The SI program targets traditionally difficulty academic... more
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      EducationPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)First Year ExperienceDevelopmental Education
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      Higher EducationSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutFirst Year ExperienceStudy Habits
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureGreek TragedyShakespeare
The EOA Best Practices Clearinghouse identifies, validates, and disseminates practical activities and approaches to improve the success of students who are low-income, first-generation, and historically underrepresented in education.... more
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      Educational TechnologySuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutFirst Year ExperienceSocial Justice
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      Higher EducationFirst Year ExperienceSocial SupportHigher Education Studies
This paper explores challenges in ensuring effective student transition from school or college to university. It considers the significant social displacement involved in students’ creation of new learner identities. It examines the... more
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      First Year ExperienceEducational TransitionsFirst Year Experience in colleges & universitiesSchool to University
The first year in higher education is known for its large and diverse cohorts, and relatively high attrition rates. Regular and personalised communication and feedback between instructors and students is key to maintaining motivation.... more
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      Educational TechnologyHigher EducationFirst Year ExperienceLearning Analytics
The Student Induction to E-Learning (SIEL) project, formerly known as Technology-Enabled Flexible Learning (TEFL), an IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS) initiative, aims to develop a better understanding of the teaching and learning... more
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      E-learningFirst Year ExperienceLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationFirst year student experience
Social psychology research confirms that learning can be strongly influenced by what students believe about their academic ability. According to Dweck (2006), students with a ‘growth mindset’ believe academic ability can increase with... more
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      Mathematics EducationFirst Year ExperiencePositive EducationGrowth Mindset
This report outlines the work and outcomes of a practice-focused development project 'Curriculum design for the first year'. The project was one of nine funded by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) under the... more
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      Curriculum DesignCurriculum StudiesFirst Year ExperienceStudent Engagement
The theory of digital liminality is used to analyze the role of technology in the classroom, and in students’ lives. This is also a report on ESL classes as a site of intercultural exchange between instructors and Muslim students. The... more
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      Composition StudiesCultural StudiesIntercultural CommunicationRhetoric
Hello!  If you should find this useful, please let me know at: [email protected]
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      DesignDesign educationCritical PedagogyFirst Year Experience
The development, implementation and perpetuation of student development programmes have become an essential strategy at South African universities, to meet the increasing massification of higher education head on. As a result of the... more
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      SociologyAcademic DevelopmentMentoringCoaching (Education)
This book is a collection of foundational concepts in the humanities and social sciences and will be of particular use to undergraduate students. This book has been written as a textbook for the interdisciplinary core arts subjects... more
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      HumanitiesFirst Year ExperienceHumanities and Social SciencesArts and Humanities
(Purpose) The purpose of this directory was to identify, describe, and evaluate evidence that the education practices improve academic performance, close the achievement gap, and improve persistence towards graduation for low-income,... more
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      Program EvaluationStudent Achievement MotivationStudent Motivation And EngagementFirst Year Experience
This report is based on the analysis of initial interviews with the staff of the Freshmen Learning Community Program (FLCP) staff. FLCP is a pilot program in engineering education that focuses on diversity and cultural change. Data... more
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyCalculusChemistry
The Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) program at the University of Minnesota is a primary academic support program for historically difficult, introductory college courses that serve as gatekeepers to academic degree programs. Based upon... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)Student Motivation And EngagementFirst Year ExperienceCollege student development
This qualitative study focused on observed and perceived changes in academic and personal attitudes and behaviors by student participants in the Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) program at the University of Minnesota (UMN). The PAL model... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)First Year ExperienceDevelopmental EducationCollege student development
(Purpose) This 2018 annotated bibliography reviews seven postsecondary peer cooperative learning programs that have been implemented nationally to increase student achievement. (Methodology) An extensive literature search was conducted of... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)BibliographyEducational ResearchFirst Year Experience
This paper describes changes made to a first year mathematics module to attempt to improve opportunities for communication between the lecturer and students. The work is in progress and the paper focuses on describing the changes and the... more
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      Mathematics EducationFeedback (Education)Learning and TeachingFirst Year Experience
Carol Dweck's concept of growth mindset is a " threshold concept " for thinking about student success in college. This article argues that reflective writing assignments focused around process reflection ‐ the intentional, structured or... more
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      Reflective PracticeFirst Year ExperienceReflective practice in educationMindset
This annotated bibliography does not attempt to be inclusive of this broad field of literature concerning peer collaborative learning. Instead, it is focused intentionally on a subset of the educational practice that shares a common focus... more
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      Self and IdentityEducational TechnologyLearning and TeachingStudent Motivation And Engagement
「身近な地域」の調査とウィキペディア編集の組合せの有効性と課題を,大学の初年次教育における実践をもとに整理することが本稿の目的である.対象地域は古都・奈良のならまちで,奈良教育大学の近くに歴史的町並みを有する.学生は,ならまち各町を「マイタウン」として担当し,ウィキペディア記事を作成するとともに,自治会長等への聞取りや施設訪問などをおこない,成果を報告会でのプレゼンテーションや,小学生向け冊子にまとめた.取組みを分析した結果,初年次教育として広範な意義が認められた.また,大学... more
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      GeographyLocal StudiesFirst Year ExperienceWikipedia Studies
These are the presentation notes for my Friday Faculty Lunch presentation on a new scope and sequence I am proposing for the FYS program at Saint Martin's University.  These notes constitute the "lit review" portion of the presentation.
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      Information LiteracyFirst Year ExperienceTechno-Information LiteracyInformation Literacy: Teacher Librarian
Drawing on contemporary transition pedagogy, this paper provides a case study of a suite of transition activities piloted by The Belonging Project in collaboration with a creatively oriented academic program in the School of Media and... more
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      EducationCurriculum DesignDiversityHigher Education
Core Website MWF, 3pm-4pm Core Lab Facebook
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    • First Year Experience
Students' beliefs about themselves and their abilities shape their first-semester college experience. This article examines the mindset of incoming college students, with particular focus on their beliefs about their intelligence, need... more
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      First Year ExperienceCollege student developmentStudent retentionRetention and Strategies for Student Success
Groupwork has a large and important role in computer science courses. Moreover, groupwork skills are among the most important generic attributes students should develop during their studies as preparation for the world of work O'Leary,... more
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      First Year ExperienceQuality AssuranceStudent SatisfactionStudent Learning
This study aims to understand young people’s smartphones use and to uncover the meaning of their lived experiences of using these mobile devices, within the contexts of formal and informal learning. Applying the principles and practices... more
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      First Year ExperiencePedagogyTechnology-enhanced LearningAndragogy in Teacher Education
This article examines a mentoring initiative that embedded advanced students in first-year composition courses to mentor students to excel to the best of their abilities. Mentors attended all classes along with students and conducted many... more
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      Composition and RhetoricMentoringFirst Year ExperienceMentor Programs
This study is part of Kwantlen's Counselling, First Year Experience, and Math Departments ongoing work to increase the success and retention of first year math students. The study measured the study skills and learning strategies of over... more
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      First Year ExperienceTime ManagementStudent SuccessBritish Columbia
As American high school seniors graduate and prepare to attend college, these students must change in order to adapt to the new rituals that higher education presents. Teens, for the most part, leave their family structure and their... more
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      Social NetworksHigher EducationFirst Year ExperienceVirtual Ethnography
This article raises some essential questions about core assumptions advocates of “college as an investment” make. Instead of exploring the amount of money students should or should not spend on a college education, we explore the... more
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      Educational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Successful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutFirst Year ExperienceRetention of first generation college students
The essay is increasingly challenged to justify its relevance and role as a pedagogical tool for introducing undergraduates to research and writing. Genre theory has provided a persuasive basis for an alternative approach that directly... more
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      HumanitiesPeer AssessmentFirst Year ExperiencePeer Review
Successful assessment is an ongoing cycle predicated on the identification of objectives, the gathering and analyzing of data, discussions, recommendations, implementing changes, and reflection, with the goal of improving student outcomes... more
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      Digital DivideInformation LiteracyAssessmentDigital Literacy
This paper describes a flipped and improved first-year digital circuits (DC) course that incorporates several active learning strategies. With the primary objective of increasing student interest and learning, an integrated instructional... more
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      First Year ExperienceActive LearningEmbedded SystemsDigital Circuits
The Research Centre for Learning and Teaching (CfLaT) was commissioned by the Student Opinion and Survey Group (SOSG) at Newcastle University to conduct a survey of all first year undergraduate students at Newcastle University in March... more
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      First Year ExperienceEducational TransitionsFirst Year Experience in colleges & universities
Drawing upon concepts from service-learning theorists Sarah Ash and Patti Clayton's DEAL Model for Critical Reflection (2009), this article suggests an innovative approach to critical reflection. Rather than create separate reflection... more
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      Composition and RhetoricCommunity Engagement & ParticipationFirst Year ExperienceAcademic Writing