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At the turn of the twentieth century, the sampling market is moving from a trade-based industry to a service-oriented contemporary of the rise of the consulting and advertising businesses. The Parisian economy in the clothing industry is... more
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      History of TextilesFashion HistoryWWIFashion and Design Trends
Citation: Verma, Drishti J. (2019)"Who Influences Fashion: Bloggers, Reality Stars or Social Media" The world has become a Global Village and with the advent of technology the ways of communication and work has been revolutionized... more
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      Social Media MarketingTrends and issues in global fashion/ apparel industryFashion TrendsFashion Bloggers
It's the first number of fashion trends published on "La Coquette Italienne": it is a fashion blog, based in France, winner of the Golden Blog Awards in 2014. Lacoquetteitalienne counts more 121k follower on differents social networks... more
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      BlogsBlogs, Blogging, the BlogosphereFashion BlogsFashion and Design Trends
Modern society is characterized by the generalization of fashion, which is the appreciation of the new. Fashion brands, therefore, are those whose products renew cyclically, constantly changing. In what sense these changes tend to occur... more
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      BrandingModern SocietyFashion Trends
We are talking about the Women's Fashion Trends 2022. The fashion trends 2022 are set to awaken your style senses. Take inspiration from our top trend picks and start building your new-season style now!
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      Global FashionFashion and Design TrendsFashion Trends
In recent years, intelligent textiles that can interact with human body and surrounding environment have gained an important place in fashion design practices. Intelligent textiles offer great opportunities to open up new horizons for... more
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      Fashion designSmart TextileSmart ClothesSmart/intelligent Textiles
Hye gorgeous ladies, 99pockets bring a new designer collection of women dresses from the best designer 2018. It is an online shopping platform offering best services and provides best quality products to the customers at the best prices.... more
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      WomenClothing CultureFashion and Design TrendsFashion Trends
Féminisme, androgynie et maintenant masculinisme, la mode n’en finit plus de remettre en question
les mœurs actuelles. Des pénis timides de Rick Owens aux couettes tressées de Hood by Air, étude à la loupe.
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      Masculinity StudiesGender, Men and MasculinitiesTrend AnalysisFashion Trends
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      Fashion RetailingFast FashionFashion Trends
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      PakistanIndiaIndian FashionFashion Trends
It's the second number of fashion trends published on "La Coquette Italienne": it is a fashion blog, based in France, winner of the Golden Blog Awards in 2014. Lacoquetteitalienne counts more 121k follower on differents social networks... more
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      Fashion designBlogsFashion BlogsFashion Marketing and Merchandising, Fashion Design, Fashion Shows
Hallux valgus, the lateral deviation of the great toe, can result in poor balance, impaired mobility and is an independent risk factor for falls. This research aims to compare the prevalence of hallux valgus in subpopulations of medieval... more
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      ArchaeologyPaleopathologyElderly Falls (Geriatrics)Medieval Archaeology
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      Fashion designFashion TheoryFashion and Textile Design for EducationFashion Trends
1 Barbara Manso, student of Master in Fashion Comunication, University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-058 Guimaraes, Portugal 2 Maria da Graca Guedes, University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-058 Guimaraes, Portugal , Rosa Maria... more
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      SociologyJapaneseFashion TrendsFashion
With this research proposal, we aim to contribute to research into fashion trends in information systems. We take forward the research of Baskerville and Myers (2009) by using a systematic literature review, coupled with discourse... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSystematic Literature ReviewCrowdfundingFashion Trends