Recent papers in Episodes
The Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) concept is the modern standard for defining chronostratigraphic units in the geological time scale, and over the past decade the working groups involved in locating and... more
The about 35-Ma old Popigai impact structure is located on the northern edge of the Anbar shield in subpolar Siberia. Among the terrestrial "impact ring basins", the 100 km diameter Popigai represents the best preserved example with... more
The GSSP for the base of the Eocene Series is located at 1.58 m above the base of Section DBH in the Dababiya Quarry, on the east bank of the Nile River, about 35 km south of Luxor, Egypt. It is the base of Bed 1 of the Dababyia Quarry... more
The eruption of Vesuvius of 79 AD caused extensive destructions all over the Campanian area, engulfing the cities of Pompei, Herculaneum, Oplonti and Stabiae. The eruption followed a long quiescence period and the inhabitants of the area... more
Crimes, investigations, questions, surprises and emotions. Let’s dive into this world with Raymond Reddington (James Spader) who will take us on a journey full of mystery and excitement. The Blacklist, is a typical American crime thriller... more
The Norwegian Margin formed in response to early Cenozoic continental breakup and subsequent opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. There is a well-defined margin segmentation and the various segments are characterized by distinct... more
Uranium exploration and mining in Australia and China are significant and increasingly important sectors of each country’s respective mineral industry. Here we focus on similarities in the geology of paleovalley-related uranium... more
The Pilbara region of Western Australia is one of only two areas on Earth – the other being the Kaapvaal Craton of southern Africa – that contain well preserved, essentially continuous geological records of crustal evolution from the... more
Buried course of the desiccated river Saraswati/ Ghagghar-Hakara from Himalayan front to Arabian Sea through the plains of NW India has been in discussion and scientific investigations since ~140 years due to its importance in societal... more
This work constitutes the first contribution for the systematisation of geological heritage knowledge in Portugal, following the international recommendations for the characterisation of geological heritage (IUGS, Pro-GEO). The... more
Bu makale Kur'dn-ı Kerim'de bazı kıssalarda bulunan paradigmatik yapıyı Yusuf kıssası bağlamında açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır. Paradigmatik yapıdaki anlatıda tıpkı bir soğanın kabukları gibi anlatının bölümleri birbirine simetrik... more
part is the New England Orogen. The Thomson Orogen lies N of the Lachlan Orogen almost completely obscured by Mesozoic and Cenozoic cover. The Mossman Orogen occupies the far northeastern part in north Queensland (Figure 1). The boundary... more
The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Base of the Serravallian Stage (Middle Miocene) is defined in the Ras il Pellegrin section located in the coastal cliffs along the Fomm Ir-Rih Bay on the west coast of Malta... more
The main goal of this paper is to identify the drivers responsible for the high particulate matter concentrations observed in recent years in several urban areas in Poland. The problem was investigated using air quality and meteorological... more
In the last few decades, the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic tectonic evolution of South China has been quite controversial. The focus of debate is on both the age of ophiolites and the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic geological and... more
of the tectonic evolution of the southern CAOB occupied the first place of five research fronts in the earth sciences identified by the publisher Elsevier Ltd. The CAOB extends across Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan,... more
Clarkina wangi within the lineage from C. longicuspidata to C. wangi at a point 88 cm above the base of the Changxing Limestone in the lower part of Bed 4 (base of 4a-2) at Meishan D section, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, South... more
Knowledge of the stress field in the Earth's crust is a key issue for the understanding of geodynamic processes, seismic hazard assessment, and stability of underground openings such as waste disposals, tunnels, mines or wells, and... more
As part of a broad assessment of climate change impacts in Morocco, an assessment of vulnerability and adaptation of coastal zones to sea-level rise was conducted. The Kenitra coast is socioeconomically vulnerable to accelerated sea-level... more
related controversies. We also link Australia's geological heritage, including its resources, as well as its geography, flora and fauna, to this tectonic narrative. Much of the geology of Australia is the consequence of the amalgamation... more
The Lapland-Kola orogen, Inglefield mobile belt and the Rinkian fold belt/Nagssugtoqidian orogen are continent-continent collision zones with limited formation of new Paleoproterozoic crust, whereas the Ketilidian orogen displays a... more
The Proterozoic felsic and mafic magmatism in India in varied tectonic settings is reviewed and discussed based on available geological, geochemical, and geochronological constraints. Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic magmatism, as discrete... more
Coastal aquifers have played a major role in modern human occupation and economic development in Iberoamerica. Most of Iberoamerica population inhabits coastal areas, and water needs are frequently fulfilled with groundwater. Possible... more
Forensic geology has developed in each country dependent on the history, political and social setting, anthropological influences and geology. The aim of this section is to provide a global overview of forensic geology, including the... more
The remote sensing was utilized for mineral exploration specifically to look for the presence of altered minerals. In addition, airborne magnetic data have been used for modelling of basement faults/structures. Furthermore, these data... more
help resolve the phylogenetic relationships of conodonts and chordates, the analysis should be extended to include non-chordate taxa.
part is the New England Orogen. The Thomson Orogen lies N of the Lachlan Orogen almost completely obscured by Mesozoic and Cenozoic cover. The Mossman Orogen occupies the far northeastern part in north Queensland (Figure 1). The boundary... more
The Indian plate has a long history of rifting, drifting and collision. It travelled for about 9000 km from its position within Gondwana to reach its present position within Asia. During its northward journey, the Indian landmass remained... more
Indian subcontinent offer scope for tracking early oxygenation history of atmosphere and hydrosphere. Available studies, though certainly not exhaustive, record signatures of pre-great oxygenation event (GOE) whiffs of atmospheric... more
The dataset, resulting from an extensive cooperation between industrial and academic sources, is accessible interactively on a CD-ROM and includes legend, timetable, short explanatory notes, full references and additional supporting data.... more
The 'Environmental Catastrophes and Recoveries in the Holocene conference held here at Brunei on 28 August―2 September closed to great acclaim. According to the Secretary General of the international research organization that... more
Soils are composed of natural inorganic and organic (both natural plant and animal and also man-made) components. The organic soil profile is complex, and there is a range of analytical methods available; however, the organic... more
polymorphum. The ammonite association of D. (Eodactylites) ssp. and other species e.g. Protogrammoceras (Paltarpites) cf. paltum, Lioceratoides aff. ballinense and Tiltoniceras aff. capillatum is particularly significant for the boundary... more
as part of the epithermal deposit spectrum in his textbook "Mineral deposits". Telluride-enrichment is, however, observed in a far wider range of deposit types, e.g., Au-rich VMS deposits, porphyry Au(Cu) and Au skarns. In at least some... more
The Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT), the wedgeshaped southern termination of Peninsular India, is a mosaic of several crustal blocks and intervening collisional sutures/shears which developed through multiple orogenic cycles during... more
deciphering the peak metamorphic conditions (Janots et al, 2008, 2009). Conditions of metamorphism of multiple phases can be ascertained using mineralogical and textural criteria. Monazite composition readjusts to the changing P-T... more
The concept of tectonic stability has long prevailed for most of the Brazilian platform and, because of this fact, investigation of Quaternary tectonics in Brazil has begun to develop only during the last decade. From the two pioneer... more
Wenn man sich Gesellschaft als ein aus verteilten, dezentral operierenden Prozeduren gewobenes, dynamisch sich reproduzierendes Kommunikationsnetzwerk vorstellt, so ist eine soziologische Beobachtung chancenlos, der es nicht gelingt, sich... more
This work constitutes the first contribution for the systematisation of geological heritage knowledge in Portugal, following the international recommendations for the characterisation of geological heritage (IUGS, Pro-GEO). The... more
The Niquivil section, Argentine Precordillera, fulfills most of the requirements for a Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Middle Ordovician Series. It has excellent conodont biostratigraphy in a continuous... more
Geothermal fluids are extracted through deep wells drilled in a geological reservoir, which can be represented by highly heterogeneous volcanic complex, sedimentary basins or deep basement rocks. The main objective of this project was to... more