End Times
Most cited papers in End Times
Q uestions about the relation between present and past have become increasingly urgent as we reach new levels of existential despair in the face of political impasse, neoliberal rationalization, and environmental catastrophe. There is an... more
In recent history, men from a variety of backgrounds have come to the same conclusion: that the Bible is about Israel only. For example: In 1861, John Mason Neale translated an ancient twelfth century Latin hymn and its title was O... more
L. W. M. Tworzydlo, John Lambert. The composer of our times. Selected scores for the piano, Lukasz Wojciech M. Tworzydlo, Gdańsk 2018.
-> ISMN 979-0-9020142-3-6
-> ISMN 979-0-9020142-3-6
Churches, evangelists and even politicians love to base their imperatives on the argument that we are living in the Last Days. Is that biblical? Must we really know that whether God is intending to inflict judgment or bestow grace, when... more
While ancient literature, the biblical writers employed many literary devices in their work. One such devices is the inclusio. The inclusio brackets particular material by using certain phrases or words at the beginning of material and... more
In this third of our Mary's Well Occasional Papers Azar Ajaj, who lectures in Biblical and Pastoral Studies at Nazareth Seminary, explains how the debate about eschatology is not merely academic in the context of evangelical Christianity... more