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The editors of the Law Review solicited Dr. Marty's contribution to this symposium on disasters, in part because of her expertise in the subject, but also because we wanted to highlight the need for a multidisciplinary approach to... more
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      LawEconomicsDisaster ResponseEmergency Response
Diplomova prace se zabýva postupnými kroky, ktere musi budouci podnikatel provest, aby mohl založit nestatni zdravotnicke zařizeni v oboru rehabilitace. Je cleněna do dvou casti teoreticke a prakticke. V teoreticke casti prace je podrobně... more
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      PhysicsHumanitiesPolitical Science
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      Emergency MedicineInternational TerrorismData MiningDisaster Studies
Recent natural disasters and events of terrorism and war have heightened society's recognition of the need for emergency preparedness. In addition to the unique pediatric issues involved in general emergency preparedness, several... more
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      PediatricsTerrorismChild WelfarePublic Health
Every state's priority is public safety. In the modern world, that often needs them to work with other States. This study assesses the role of civil protection mechanisms in effective emergency management operations in public... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster Risk CommunicationEmergency ManagementDisaster Preparedness
The increasingly sophisticated sensors supported by modern smartphones open up novel research opportunities, such as mobile phone sensing. One of the most challenging of these research areas is context-aware and activity recognition. The... more
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      Computer ScienceEmergency ManagementEmergency planning and managementarXiv
Disasters strike every area of any country and affect libraries, large or small. From a water leak to something big like an earthquake, hurricane or fire, libraries need to have a plan of action for an effective response. Our panel... more
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      HistoryDisaster planning
Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2013.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2013.Includes bibliographical references leaves 88-93.In this... more
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      LogisticsDisaster ManagementEmergency planning and managementHumanitarian assistance
Disasters strike every area of any country and affect libraries, large or small. From a water leak to something big like an earthquake, hurricane or fire, libraries need to have a plan of action for an effective response. Our panel... more
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      HistoryDisaster planning
В статье изучен предпринимательский аспект развития картографического производства в России. Показаны этапы развития предпринимательства в области картографии от времен правления Петра I до наших дней. Это-возникновение коммерческой... more
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Introduction: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of age on length of hospital stay, intensive care unit (ICU) stay, and mortality by comparing patients aged 65 years and older with patients younger than 65 years old.... more
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      MedicineIntensive Care UnitGeriatric care
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      EngineeringArchitectural EngineeringAlley
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      Gender StudiesDomestic ViolenceMasculinity StudiesDisaster risk management
The current research seeks to understand how humanitarian supply chains affect the performance of non-governmental organizations in Jordan. This humanitarian sector is the central pillar to alleviate the burden of asylum and the suffering... more
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    • Supply Chain Management
Acil durumlarda ne yapılması gerektiği hakkında kısa bir makale
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    • Emergency planning and management
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      Environmental ScienceTransport EngineeringVisibility
Unsanitary environment, the lack of awareness of food safety regulations, poor knowledge of hygiene and improper food handling practices among the food vendors can contribute to outbreaks of foodborne illnesses. This study aims to... more
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    • Physics
This paper focuses on the United States and its policy on the Darfur crisis, which in 2004 was acknowledged as a case of genocide by both the US administration and Congress. It explores a range of questions, issues and themes, and their... more
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      AnthropologyRhetoricPolitical ScienceResponsibility to Protect
Flood, like any other natural disasters can cause extreme and diverse impacts on tourism industry. However, flood impacts on tourism in Malaysia are hardly discussed, leaving the lack of preparedness and adaptations from the tourism... more
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      BusinessTourismFLOOD AND TOURISMFlood Myth
This paper presents a brief analysis of the catastrophic skyscraper fire that occurred in Bogota-Colombia 50 years ago, at the AVIANCA's skyscraper, a prominent symbol of the Colombian Capital. The study begins with an account of the... more
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      Safety EngineeringEmergency ManagementFire Protection Engineering
Abstract Social Media (SM) use as a tool in hurricane disaster response has continued to increase. The use of SM was evident in response to Hurricanes Sandy in 2012 and Irma in 2017, but what was not known was how emergency managers in... more
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    • Emergency planning and management
In October 2006, Congress enacted major legislation to reform the function and organization of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in response to the recognized failures in preparation for and response to Hurricane Katrina. The... more
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    • Government Reform
To report the use and describe the interest of hemostatic dressings in a civilian setting, we provided medical prehospital teams with QuikClot Combat Gauze (QCG) and asked physicians to complete a specific questionnaire after each use.... more
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      Emergency MedicineHemostasis and ThrombosisFire and Emergency ServicesEmergency Management
The increasingly sophisticated sensors supported by modern smartphones open up novel research opportunities, such as mobile phone sensing. One of the most challenging of these research areas is context-aware and activity recognition. The... more
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      Computer ScienceEmergency ManagementEmergency planning and managementarXiv
The terrorist attacks of 9/11 brought an urgent, necessary call to protect the safety and security of the nations Critical Infrastructure/Key Resources (CI/KR). Most of these efforts have been to deter/prevent a terrorist attack through... more
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      EngineeringTerrorismHomeland SecurityComputer Security
Lessons Learned and Recommendations 10 Looking Forward 14 Survey Methods 15 1 Lee, Kristen. "Health agencies again sound alarm on flu pandemic." Gov Daily Briefing. Jan 25, 2007. http://www.govexec.... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic HealthEmergency ManagementMedicine
If humans did not occupy the planet, disasters would never occur. Massive climatic events, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis would be regular occurrences, of course, and the earth would look like a dynamic cauldron of natural... more
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      Political SciencePublic HealthEmergency ManagementDisasters
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      HistoryDisaster MedicineMedicineMedical Emergency
Recovery practices following the loss of home, sense of security, space and possessions, have recently become a focus of UK government attention. How people recover from disasters is seen to have a direct bearing on individual, community... more
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      SociologyNarrativePublic RelationsPolitics
Research dissertation presented for the approval of Senate in fulfilment of part of the requirements for the LLM (Marine and Environmental Law) in approved courses and dissertation. The other part of the requirement for this qualification... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceUniversity of Cape TownDe Facto States
Research dissertation presented for the approval of Senate in fulfilment of part of the requirements for the LLM (Marine and Environmental Law) in approved courses and dissertation. The other part of the requirement for this qualification... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceUniversity of Cape TownDe Facto States
Reservoir water level forecasting is vital in reservoir operation and management. The output of the forecasting model can be used in reservoir decision support systems. This study demonstrates the application of Artificial Neural Network... more
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      EngineeringReservoir OperationForecasting for Arima ModelWater Level
A study was conducted to develop a sprinkler fire suppression algorithm for use with sprinkler activation time models. Large scale experiments were performedto determine the heat release rate (HRR) of selected office fuel packages with... more
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Objective: Crimes occurred in Rwanda (1994) and Kosovo (1999) have been considered as genocides. Our main objective was to describe the difference between the crimes committed in Kosovo and Rwanda based on the victims found in each area... more
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      Political ScienceKosovoWar CrimesRwanda
Disasters strike every area of any country and affect libraries, large or small. From a water leak to something big like an earthquake, hurricane or fire, libraries need to have a plan of action for an effective response. Our panel... more
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      HistoryDisaster planning
System-level planning involves uniting hospitals and health systems, local/regional government agencies, emergency medical services, and other health-care entities involved in coordinating and enabling care in a major disaster. We... more
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      Health CareMedicineCritical CareEmergency Medical Services
The Vesuvius National Park (VNP), with its approximately 110,000 inhabitants within the park area and over 600,000 in the territory of the municipalities, is the most populous in Italy and the most densely populated. But it is also a park... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental Sustainability
Данная статья представляет оценку геодезической сети Афганистана, учитывая коли-чество, качество и пригодность имеющихся сетей для научно-технических исследований. Ис-следования показали дефицит современных геодезических сетей в стране,... more
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      AfghanistanEvaluationGeodetic Networks
ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ КООРДИНАЦИИ ПРОЦЕССОВ СЪЕМКИ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ ЗЕМЛИ КОСМИЧЕСКИМИ АППАРАТАМИ VNREDSat-1 (ВЬЕТНАМ) И БКА (БЕЛАРУСЬ) Аннотация. Ведущие компании в области получения данных дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса... more
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      Remote SensingEarth ObservationSatelliteConstellation
Akut miyokard infarktüsü geçiren nondiyabetik hastalarda glikoz-insülin-potasyum tedavisinin etkinli¤i Amaç: Çal›flmam›zda akut miyokard infarktüsü (AM‹) geçiren nondiyabetik hastalarda standart tedavilere ek olarak verdi¤imiz... more
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      Emergency ManagementEmergency ResponseEmergency planning and management
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceGeologySeismology
National Endowment for the Humanities's Chairman's Emergency Grant (Award# PB-260678-18) y Preservation Assistance Grant 2019-2020 (Award# PG-263517-19).
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    • Political Science
The increasingly sophisticated sensors supported by modern smartphones open up novel research opportunities, such as mobile phone sensing. One of the most challenging of these research areas is context-aware and activity recognition. The... more
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      Computer ScienceEmergency ManagementEmergency planning and managementarXiv
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Many studies have been conducted to describe and evaluate the benefits of freeway service patrols, but much less is known about the planning and institutional development of such programs. This paper is a case study describing the... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringTransport EngineeringUrban And Regional Planning
Transportation and emergency services agencies have many shared and overlapping responsibilities in myriad situations, ranging from routine traffic incidents to large-scale events that threaten public health and safety. The importance of... more
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      BusinessCivil EngineeringTransport EngineeringHomeland Security
The aim of this workshop was to bring together experts and students from pure and applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering, who are working on related problems in the areas of matroid theory, combinatorial optimization,... more
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      MathematicsCoding TheoryComputer ScienceInformation Theory
The problem of leaving a building while facing some emergency has gained much attention from the scientific community. Evacuation simulators can help emergency planners to assess the safety of buildings. However, such simulators still... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceThe InternetData Collection