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      Health EconomicsHealth CarePublic HealthMedicine
Economics phenomena are notably governed by dynamic, non-linear, bottom-up processes emerging from agents’ interactions. Therefore traditional top-down approaches provide a rather limited insight into these phenomena. Further, research in... more
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      Computer ScienceTrustManagement ScienceSimulations
My column in The American Philatelist explored the creation and production of the 1¢ Franklin issues and the challenges encountered when attempting to expertise individual specimens.
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      Postal HistoryPostage StampsPhilatelyPostage Stamps and National Identity
This paper is an essay, a challenge to reflection and debate about the concept of company’s, or corporation’s social responsibility concept (CSR). The fundamental resorts constituting the background of promoting this concept are... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationCorporate Social ResponsibilityTypology
This paper assesses the impact of two social security reforms using a calibrated, dynamic life cycle model. It quantifies the long-run distributional impact of two sets of reforms in France: (1) the 2013 reform of Prime Minister Ayrault,... more
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      EconomicsWelfare EconomicsSocial SecurityInequality
This paper describes a statistical method for estimating the population of rare stamps from auction catalogs, price lists, expert certificates, and other generally available records. The method presented was developed by biologists to... more
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      GeographyRare Events
This study investigates the importance of the quality of human capital investment and collegiality (i.e., good colleagues) in achieving the type of acclaim in economics captured by receipt of the Yrjö Jahnsson Award, arguably the... more
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      EconomicsScientometricsHuman CapitalEconomics Research
In what we believe is the largest ranking of its kind in economics, this study extends the economics journal ranking literature by examining the impact of papers published in more than 550 economics journals. Based on Google Scholar... more
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      EconomicsScientometricsApplied EconomicsApplied Economics Letters
The main purpose of this paper is to provide an initial assessment of French households’ pension entitlements on the basis of currently available data, extended with estimates made by running the World Bank pension model (PROST) on French... more
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      EconomicsSocial SecurityPension
The economic culture represents that side of the human culture which refers to the way a society is reported to the production, resources and everything that means the economic life of the society. The energetic resources represent some... more
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      EconomicsRomanianconsumption sociology
*Comité de suivi des retraites (Pension monitoring committee), researcher affiliated with the Institut des politiques publiques.
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      PsychologyApplied PsychologyNonverbal CommunicationRomanian
Zadnji članak časopisa Histria archaeologica naslovljen je »Starohrvatska populacija iz Triblja-zdravlje i bolesti«. Autorice Z. Premužić i P. Rajić Šikanjić analizirale su skeletne ostatke 25 osoba iz 18 grobova otkrivenih tijekom... more
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In this study, a bibliometric analysis is conducted to evaluate bibliographic content of all scientific publications in the field of remote sensing published by scholars with Vietnamese affiliations, indexed in the Scopus database, for... more
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      GeographyRemote SensingBibliometricsContent Analysis
La teoría del valor es un tema económico que ha sido investigado por los más grandes pensadores económicos a través de la historia, tanto por ortodoxos como heterodoxos. En este artículo se realiza una investigación descriptiva con base... more
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As collaboration became widespread in academia and educational systems, and the number of authors per article increased, the count of publication is no longer an accurate indicator of scientific output in many cases. In order to overcome... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesSustainable DevelopmentVietnam
The aim of this paper is to highlight aspects relating to the relationship between a company's political culture and social capital. Thus, a high level of political culture leads to the development of the social capital and the whole... more
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      PoliticsSocial CapitalSocial reproduction
The structures of social interaction affect individual behavior and economic performance in important ways. This leads us to ask: does the architecture of social interaction exhibit particular patterns and are these patterns stable over... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomySocial InteractionNetworks
Akademski život razvija se usporedno s razvojem znanosti, tehnologije i društva te uvodi nova očekivanja i pravila u već postojeće – pisane i nepisane običaje. Akademski bonton, doslovnoga prijevoda – akademsko lijepo ponašanje, promatran... more
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      Research MethodologyAcademic WritingAcademic PublishingEconomics Research
In this study, a bibliometric analysis is conducted to evaluate bibliographic content of all scientific publications in the field of remote sensing published by scholars with Vietnamese affiliations, indexed in the Scopus database, for... more
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      GeographyRemote SensingBibliometricsContent Analysis
part of the Adequacy of Old-Age Income Maintenance in the EU (AIM) project – which has received financing from the European Commission under the 6th Research Framework Programme (contract no. SP21-CT-2005-513748). The views expressed are... more
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This report was financed by and prepared for the use of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice; Unit D2 'Equality between men and women', in the framework of a contract managed by the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB)... more
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      Political SciencePensionpensioni
Social Sciences & Humanities Peer Awards (SSHPA) is an ecosystem of a scientific database and a science communication website. The project was funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under... more
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      HumanitiesSocial SciencesDatabase SystemsVietnam
On average, people who retire earlier die sooner, partly because poor health is an important reason for early retirement. Several theories also predict that retirement is detrimental to health and increases mortality, and that retirement... more
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      SociologyPsychologyOxford university
When speaking of a 'central bank', the first idea which probably comes to mind is that it is the institution that issues money. And money is the instrument we use as a unit of account, a means of payment and a store of value. Granted, the... more
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    • Economics
Social Sciences & Humanities Peer Awards (SSHPA) is an ecosystem of a scientific database and a science communication website. The project was funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under... more
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      HumanitiesSocial SciencesDatabase SystemsVietnam
Social Sciences & Humanities Peer Awards (SSHPA) is an ecosystem of a scientific database and a science communication website. The project was funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under... more
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      HumanitiesSocial SciencesDatabase SystemsVietnam
Background: In 2007-2012 the Mexican government launched the National HIV program and there was a major change in HIV policies implemented in 2013-2018, when efforts focused on prevention, increase in early diagnosis and timely treatment.... more
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      Health EconomicsHIV/AIDSPublic HealthSalud Publica
Objective: The study describes health care services utilization contextualized by the needs of the Mexican population during the Covid-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: We used data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey,... more
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      Health EconomicsPublic HealthEconomics Research
We conduct an analysis of recent trends on the subfields of study that doctoral students in economics choose for their dissertations. By investigating data on the JEL classification codes of dissertations reported by the Journal of... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical ScienceHealth EducationEconomic Development
Many European countries have implemented pension reforms to increase the statutory retirement age with the aim of increasing labor supply. However, not all older workers may be able or want to work to a very high age. Using a nation-wide... more
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      MultidisciplinaryEnvironmental public healthretirement age
The usefulness of the mindsponge notion has been aided by the philosophical reasoning nature inherent in the Bayesian belief updating process.
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    • Computer Science
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There are many people that I would sincerely thank for their contributions to this dissertation. In the first place, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Cathal O’Donoghue, whose guidance and support from the... more
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      EconomicsEconomics ResearchRomanian Academy
The main purpose of this study is to demonstrate the effect the reforms undertaken in the Romanian agriculture have had upon the revenues and the competitive edge of Romanian farmers. While, statistically speaking, the social and economic... more
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      EconomicsAgricultural EconomicsCommon Agricultural Policy
Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Citation for published version (APA):
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      Panel DataRetirementGender Differences
This paper is an essay, a challenge to reflection and debate about the concept of company's, or corporation's social responsibility concept (CSR). The fundamental resorts constituting the background of promoting this concept are... more
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      Social JusticeSocial ResponsibilitySocially-responsible InvestingSocially Responsible Investing
This paper develops a general equilibrium simulation model of a heterogeneous population in which both consumption/saving and labour/leisure choices are endogenous. The authors use it to explore the effects of the different state benefit... more
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      Welfare StateHealth
Dynamic programming methods are now commonly used to describe behaviour in contexts where uncertainty is likely to have an important bearing on decision making. Using a publicly available structural dynamic microsimulation model, LINDA,... more
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Statutory retirement age is the most visible parameter of the old-age pension system and one which sets a clear signal for people in making economic decisions. The contribution analyses different concepts of statutory retirement ages... more
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      ResearchGender inequalityEconomics Research
The extractive industry is unanimously acknowledged as being a vital sector of any country which owns workable natural resources. The experts claim that this industry is a source of foreign income, of direct foreign investments and it is... more
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IrpetDin is a dynamic microsimulation model, developed by IRPET (Regional Institute for Economic Planning of Tuscany) to study the future sociodemographic structure of the population and to evaluate the effects of social security... more
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    • Microsimulation
EU and the USA share a lengthy history of cooperation initiatives and successful projects, meant to bridge the gap between two of the most dynamic economies worldwide. Since negotiations for the most recent scheme-the Transatlantic Trade... more
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    • Economics
European Commission. Matthias Deschryvere acknowledges the financial support provided through the European Community's Human Potential Program under contract EU Commission/HPRN-CT-2002-00330. The ECHP data were provided by the CEPS... more
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    • Economics
The idea of this case study is to examine whether the part-time pension arrangement has extended working lives in Finland. This report is an edited version of a deliverable within a contract with Eurofound, as an input for Eurofound's... more
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This paper provides an overview of dynamic microsimulation modeling as well as its recent developments. It then discusses in detail a recent trend in microsimulation research, which uses alignment methodologies to simulate microsimulation... more
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This paper argues that pensions modelling should be a parsimonious process using different methodologies for different purposes. A range of methodologies exists and is being extensively used in different countries and quarters. Very... more
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      MultidisciplinaryGeneral EquilibriumFuturesFine Structure Constant
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      SSRNAn Assessment